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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />September 23, 2004 <br />Page 7 <br />desires, the proper inquiry of this Court is whether the Algoma Township Planning Commission, <br />in the application of its ordinances, provided for the reasonable accommodation of amateur radio <br />communications. The Commission was not under any obligation to approve the request, but only <br />to make a reasonable effort to accommodate it. The Algoma Township Planning Commission <br />accommodated reasonably plaintiffs amateur radio desires by carefully considering the relevant <br />law, offering compromise solutions, ordering an independent assessment of the application, and <br />making detailed findings of its reasons for denying the application. In conclusion, he stated that <br />the proposed 106 foot antenna/tower would affect many Los Altos Hills residents adversely <br />perhaps even more than the required 500 foot radius. It is a legitimate purpose of the Planning <br />Commission to protect aesthetics, views, and home values. The Town regulates the height of <br />homes, regulates outdoor lighting, obstruction of views, tree trimming, etc. These regulations <br />create high property values and discourages one resident from creating unharrnonious aesthetics <br />that affect other residents. He stated that the Planning Commission does have the authority to <br />regulate the proposed antenna tower. <br />Commissioner Clow asked if a compromise where the antenna could be extended at night, during <br />an emergency and maybe once a year for a drill and otherwise during the day time be in a retract <br />position would meet Mr. Waschum's requirement. Mr. Waschum, felt, as a part of good <br />negotiations, a compromise is necessary. He did not feel it was important, as a Town, to accept <br />any height any amateur radio operator desiresjust to have late night chats with Australia. <br />Lawrence Weiland, 12680 La Cresta Drive, in 1960 he and his wife bought their property, <br />building a house directed towards the view. He can now see that a man's hobby is about to <br />destroy a part of his view. This is not fair. It would appear that you can have a much shorter <br />antenna and still get out messages during an emergency. He felt that the applicant's hobby is <br />impinging on his privacy and the value of his property. <br />David Gilmour, 26010 Torello Court, has served as the vice -chair of the Los Altos Hills <br />emergency communications committee with Mr. Abraham for the last year. He stated that Jim <br />and his service to the Town has selflessly given his time and equipment and a great deal of his <br />efforts to lay the foundation for protecting the people in Town in the event of an emergency. He <br />felt that the line between his hobby and his public service has been one that has been blurred in <br />favor of the Town. He does not draw a line between his own work and that of the public. He <br />requested support of the proposed project. <br />New speaker, felt if this service is so important perhaps the antenna can be placed at the new <br />Town Hall where it would serve the Town, notjust a hobby. <br />Ray Egan, 12686 Roble Vinedo, ham radio operator and a resident since 1965. His property is <br />on the ridge across from Concepcion Road from Jim's house. If you look for the antenna, it is <br />clear you will see it. But those things just disappear in time. The view aspect of this in the long <br />term will not be seen. He also stated he has a 30 foot tower on his property. <br />