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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />September 23, 2004 <br />Page 8 <br />Maynard Stevenson, Prospect Avenue, also a member of the emergency committee, voiced <br />support of the project. His neighbor has a tower and eventually he did not even notice it. The <br />public service aspect of this antenna should weigh heavily on the decision. He felt some of the <br />out of control Eucalyptus trees are much more of a view blocker than this antenna. <br />Alder Yu, 12692 La Cresta Drive, stated he was most effected by this tower. He referred to his <br />letter which is a part of the staff report. He stated that according to Los Altos Hills site <br />development review process, any project should be in harmony with their neighbors. Also <br />special consideration should be given for the protection of the view and ridgelines, hilltops and <br />view corridor. However, Mr. Abraham's request does not match any of the previous statements. <br />He reviewed photos provided indicating affects on views from his property. Even if the tower <br />was 40 to 60 feet in height, he would still be able to see it from his window facing east. He <br />referred to the latest Town Newsletter stating to erect such a object is in conflict with the spirit of <br />the Town. In the past 10 days, he has only seen two balloons for two hours indicating the <br />proposed height of the antenna/tower. The residents have not been properly notified regarding <br />the height and impact of the project. He stated that it just so happens that all adjacent neighbors <br />surrounding the Abraham property belong to minority groups. He felt they have the same equal <br />rights of anyone to enjoy their rights. The proposed project, if approved, will deprive them of <br />their rights. There are two ham radio towers at 12648 La Cresta Drive which should be tall <br />enough to receive any signal around the world and have received much criticism from neighbors. <br />They do not need a third antenna within a one mile distance. There are numerous ways to <br />communicate. The community does not have to suffer for one person's hobby. He strongly <br />opposed this proposal. <br />Commission Kerns asked Mr. Yu, if approved, did he have a preferred height and a time of <br />operation. Mr. Yu responded even with the antenna at its lowest height, it would still effect his <br />view but 30 or 40 feet might a be reasonable height. <br />Chung -Jen Ho, 12696 La Cresta Drive, stated his main concern was radiation. Also the <br />interference with the wireless phone communication, and because the structure is huge, it will <br />break the harmonic view of his neighborhood. <br />James Liu, 12690 La Cresta Drive, new neighbor and shared the concerns of the neighbors. This <br />is a 40 foot wide tower, 89 feet tall. He did not see how anyone could dismiss it or it could blend <br />in with the environment. He agreed with Jim's hobby but perhaps a more reasonable <br />compromise is appropriate. The Town has such strict restrictions regarding building codes, <br />aesthetic value and views, this will not help with the neighbor's property values. Also, you will <br />see this tower from miles around. <br />Jen Huang, 12815 Viscaino Road, neighbor right below the Abraham property, stated that the <br />antenna is higher than shown in the photos. He viewed the tower stating he would not want the <br />tower either. They should consider the other neighbors and how much this would affect them <br />and find a good compromise that they can all agree on. <br />