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Item 7.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
October 14, 2004
Item 7.1
Entry Properties
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4/20/2016 7:44:07 AM
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10/16/2014 11:55:05 AM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 7.1
Draft Meeting Minutes September 23, 2004
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />September 23, 2004 <br />Page 9 <br />Jim Abraham reviewed the location of the Waschura property indicating he would not be <br />effected. He addressed the letters against the proposal (Orton, Siegal, Hirsh, Strom, Tombs, <br />Waschura) who, he felt, had unfounded complaints. Letters of support were from Ed Radlo, Dr. <br />Smithwick, among others. He addressed a few of the issues mentioned. Mr. Jones was <br />concerned with the power grid stating that his equipment does not use very much power. There <br />is no intention of lighting the tower and there will be no commercial use of the tower. He noted <br />that if it became necessary to put obstruction lights on the tower he would agree to reduce the <br />height of the tower below what is required as a condition of approval. Mr. Yu has lived above <br />him for 15 years. He referred to a number of things on that property which have had a negative <br />impact on his property (created fill and putting an addition on his house without a permit). In the <br />spirit of cooperation and compromise he would be willing to agree to keep the maximum height <br />below 63 feet from sunrise to sunset, and bringing the height down one tier. He further <br />discussed radiation concerns which he felt was not an issue. <br />Mr. Yu voiced concern regarding radiation exposure which was addressed by Mr. Abraham <br />(FCC requirements). <br />An unidentified speaker asked if the EPA and the environmental impact studies require a new <br />kind on installation and where is the threshold. The City Attorney stated that they would have to <br />identify that and report back to the Commission as they do not have the standards. <br />Commissioner Kerns suggested moving the location of the antenna down to the lower flat area <br />which would also make the installation easier and lower the antenna height by approximately 10 <br />feet. Mr. Abraham did not feel this was acceptable and the lower location would still impact his <br />neighbor Mr. Yu. Mr. Abraham accepted the suggestion to move the antenna to the lower area, <br />with the eliminates of the antenna not encroaching into the setbacks, if it is a condition of <br />approval. However, he stated that there has never been a requirement that the elements of an <br />antenna could not overhang a setback line. If this is the case, he would have to move the antenna <br />to the lower site, closer to the house. <br />Mr. Yu felt there should have been a better representation of the tower height. Mr. Abraham <br />stated that the pole that was put up was in the exact measurement location of the antenna and <br />tower in the fully retracted position. <br />Commissioner Kerns, for clarification, noted that Mr. Abraham agreed to a 63 foot height <br />between sunrise and sunset asking if that was the top of the mast or the top of the antenna. Mr. <br />Abraham stated the height would be at the top of the mast (the highest point). <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Commissioner Collins had viewed the Abraham and Yu property sites. She felt Jim had <br />incredible generosity to the Town and they all appreciated this. However, it does not have a <br />barring on this case. As far as PBR-1, she was not familiar with it and perhaps it needs to be <br />reviewed further. She noted the significant view impact to Mr. Yu even when the tower was <br />retracted. She felt the tower would be very unfortunate to the neighbors. There are many down <br />
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