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3J <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS December 9, 2004 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION, TRACT NO. 1286 <br />LANDS OF GARVERICK; 14460 MIRANDA COURT <br />FROM: John Chau, Assistant Engineer <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Recommend Approval to the City Council of a Certificate of Correction <br />Amending a Final Map subject to the Findings as recommended by Staff. <br />BACKGROUND: <br />In May 1954, Tract No. 1286 "Pinecrest Heights No. 2" was approved by the Santa <br />Clara County Board of Supervisors. This Tract Map included building setback lines <br />on the majority of the lots which split the lots approximately into two equal halves. <br />The intent of the setbacks was to assure that adequate space for sanitary sewer leach <br />fields was allowed for each lot. It is not the current practice of the Town to require <br />setback lines for sanitary sewer leach fields. <br />At the time of this map approval, sanitary sewer service was not available to the <br />residents in this area. Since that time, sanitary sewer service has been added with <br />sewer main located in Miranda Court. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />The property owners of lot 20 of Tract No. 1286 request the removal of the building <br />setback line that was recorded with the Final Map. The attached exhibits indicate <br />the lot where the property owners are requesting the Final Map Amendments. <br />The Town's Municipal Code Section 9-1.1210 requires that specific findings be made <br />to support Final Map Amendments. It is the Planning Commission's role to review <br />these findings and make a recommendation to the City Council. The findings listed <br />below have been made to support approval of the Final Map Amendments. <br />