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Item 3.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
December 9, 2004
Item 3.1
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/19/2016 5:13:40 PM
Creation date
10/16/2014 1:26:56 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 3.1
Certificate of Correction, Tract No. 1286 Lands of Garverick; 14460 Miranda Court
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FINDINGS: <br />There are changes in circumstances which make the building setback lines <br />shown on the map no longer appropriate or necessary. The requirement for <br />building setback lines to allow for space for sanitary sewer leach fields is no <br />longer necessary since the Town has adopted its Municipal Code Section 6-4 <br />"Sewage" which addresses the requirement for approval of sewage disposal <br />for each building by the Health Officer (County Health Department) prior to <br />issuance of building permits and issuance of certificates of occupancy. This <br />section of code also requires that all existing buildings shall connect to an <br />approved public sewer when such sewer is reasonably available, except when <br />the existing means of sewage disposal is functioning in conformance with the <br />requirements of the Code, the Town's Standards, and to the satisfaction of the <br />Health Officer. Due to these ordinances of the Town, which were not in place <br />when the subdivision was initially approved, and the review that is required <br />by the Santa Clara County Health Department prior to any major new <br />development, the building setback lines are no longer appropriate or <br />necessary. <br />2. The modifications do not impose any additional burden on the present fee <br />owners of the properties. There is not any affect on the sizes of the lots, the <br />locations or extents of the streets and roads, or the Maximum Floor Areas and <br />Maximum Development Areas allowed for the properties. <br />3. The modifications do not alter any right, title, or interest in the real property <br />reflected on the recorded map. While the modifications include the removal <br />of setback lines which are more restrictive than the Town's current setback <br />requirements, the setbacks that are required by Code for all properties in the <br />Town will still be required for these properties. <br />4. The modifications are consistent with the Town's General Plan in that the <br />General Plan does not require additional building setback lines to allow for <br />sewer leach fields. <br />5. The areas affected by the removals of the building setback lines will be <br />determined as to the physical suitability for residential development and <br />density of development using the requirements that are currently provided in <br />the Town Code for all development. <br />6. The proposed modifications will not cause public health problems, or <br />environmental damage, including injury to fish or wildlife and their habitats <br />since the properties will still be required to meet the provisions of the Town's <br />Code which address these issues. <br />7. The proposed modifications will not affect any existing easements acquired <br />by the public at large, for access through or use of, the affected properties. <br />
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