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Item 3.3
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
December 9, 2004
Item 3.3
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Last modified
4/20/2016 3:56:42 PM
Creation date
10/16/2014 1:40:31 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 3.3
Site Development Permit for a 79.8' foot Emergency Communications Antenna: 60-Foot Lattice Tower with a 2-Foot Mast, and Six (6) Antennas; Lands of Los Altos Hills; 26379 Fremont Road; File #162-04-ZP-SD
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$teff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Los Altos Hills <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />December 9, 2004 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />injuries to the public and to protect the equipment from vandalism, staff recommends the <br />installation of a 6' tall black vinyl coated chain link fence and access gate around the base <br />of the tower. The area around the fence shall be landscaped with vines or shrubs to <br />mitigate the visual impacts of the structure from neighbor's view. (Condition #4) <br />VISIB=y AND LANDSCAPE SCREENING <br />There are a number of existing trees and shrubs around the perimeter of the property and <br />a double row of mature eucalyptus and fir trees along Fremont Road which will screen <br />the lower portions of the structure from neighbor's view. However, due to the height of <br />the tower which is approximately 3.5 times the height of the new Town Hall building, the <br />antennas will be visible from neighboring properties and streets, particularly along <br />Fremont Road. - <br />ALTERNATIVE DESIGN <br />Given the size and height of the proposed antenna and the aesthetic and visual impacts to <br />the surrounding neighborhood, a retractable antenna tower may be the preferred <br />alternative. <br />According to the technical analysis in the ECC report, a "minimum antenna height of 40 <br />to 50 feet" would provide reliable 144/440 MHz propagation to all defined points of <br />communications during an emergency (i.e. Santa Clara County OES, repeater sites, etc.). <br />There are a number of retractable (crankup) antenna towers available on the market that <br />will meet the 40'-50' height requirement. An example would be Texas Towers Model <br />TX -455 galvanized steel tower which has a nested height of 21.5' and an extended height <br />of 55'. (Attachment 5) Including the 2' mast and the 17.8' antenna, the height of the <br />tower will be 41.3' retracted and 74.8' fully extended. The antenna structure will stand at <br />41.3' when not in use. However, it should be noted that the retractable tower design <br />would preclude the use of Antennas # 3-6 because of their vertical mounting <br />requirements. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The Commission can decide to approve the antenna system as proposed by the <br />Emergency Communications Committee. However, if the Commission determines that a <br />retractable tower is a feasible alternative, the antenna design will need to be revised and a <br />condition should be added requiring the antenna tower to be in a fully retracted position at <br />all times except during a Town declared emergency or during the once/month emergency <br />communication training and exercise. <br />
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