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ATTACHMENT.r <br />Warshawsky explained that he is very sympathetic to the Horton's situation. Their map <br />was approved two years ago and this should be a very simple request. Unfortunately, <br />their land is very beautiful and adds so much to the Town and since the original approval, <br />new information has come to light. Warshawsky added that he would like to take <br />advantage of the sixty day window to review all options and see if the issues can be <br />resolved and a compromise that is amenable to everyone can be reached. He noted that <br />the building pads are appropriately located and it is just the conservation easements that <br />need to be addressed. <br />Councilmember Fenwick suggested that the only reason for the Council to deny the <br />extension is to acquire the conservation easements on the property adding that pathway <br />easements can be required at the time of development. He would support approval of the <br />extension request because the areas in question are not suitable for development. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Kerr expressed his hope that the applicant could review the requests for <br />conservation easements in the areas of concern. This property warrants conservation <br />easements. He noted that he could not support approving the extension at this time but <br />he is interested in seeing the issues resolved and suggested that the decision be postponed <br />to a future meeting. <br />Mayor O'Malley explained that he had voted in favor of the conservation easements <br />when this project had been before Council for the original approval. He believed that the <br />property warrants conservation easements and he would be in favor of having the <br />applicant and staff work to resolve the issue and identify the conservation easements and <br />return to the City Council in August for consideration of the extension request. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by Warshawsky <br />and passed by the following roll call vote to continue the item for thirty days and to <br />revisit the request for an extension at the August 19, 2004 meeting. <br />AYES: Mayor O'Malley, Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, Councilmember Cheng and <br />Councilmember Warshawsky <br />NOES: Councilmember Fenwick <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />6.2 Consideration of Proposal for the LAH-EOC Antenna Installation <br />City Manager Cassingham reported that before the Council was a proposal presented by <br />the Town's Emergency Communications Committee for the installation of an antenna at <br />the Town's Emergency Operations Center. She introduced Jim Abraham, Emergency <br />Communications Committee Chairman for the presentation of the proposal. <br />Jim Abraham explained that the report before Council was very detailed. and self <br />explanatory and he was available to answer any questions. <br />11 City Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 15, 2004 <br />