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Councilmember Fenwick reported that the Emergency Communications Committee bad <br />voted unanimously to support this project. It had been thoroughly reviewed and <br />considered by the Committee. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fenwick, seconded by Cheng and <br />passed unanimously to approve the proposal for the Town's Emergency Operations <br />Center antenna installation. <br />6.3 Selection of Voting Delegate — League of California Cities Annual <br />Conference -September, 2004 <br />City Manager Cassingham reported that in the past, when a representative from the City <br />Council has been unable to attend the League of California Cities Annual Conference, <br />Council has appointed her as their voting delegate. She added that if any Councilmember <br />is considering attending the Conference, Council might want to consider designating <br />them as the voting delegate. <br />Mayor O'Malley will review his schedule to see if it is compatible with attendance at the <br />League conference. The City Manager will be the voting delegate in the absence of any <br />Councihnember's attendance. <br />6.4 Consideration of Amicus Curiae Letters to the California Supreme Court - <br />Town of Tiburon (Urgency Item) <br />Assistant City Attorney David Warner reviewed the request before Council from the <br />Town of Tiburon's attorney. He explained that it involves the question of the authority of <br />a JPA over the traditional power of cities and towns to control land use within their <br />borders. They are seeking a letter from the City Council asking the Superior Courts to <br />grant a review of the case. <br />Council discussion of the issue ensued and they concurred that they would support the <br />request from Tiburon. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fenwick, seconded by <br />Warshawsky and passed unanimously to send the amicus curiae letter as requested by the <br />Town of Tiburon. <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES SUB -COMMITTEES AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />Councilmember Fenwick reported that he had attended the Emergency Communications <br />Committee meeting. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Kerr reported that he and Councilmember Cheng had attended a meeting <br />at Foothill College to discuss local government and public agency issues. At the <br />meeting, a future foram to discuss public sector benefit costs sponsored by the College <br />and the Town of Los Altos Hills was proposed and he would like to agendize discussion <br />of this proposal for the next Council meeting. <br />12 City Council Meeting Minutes <br />July 15, 2004 <br />