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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Cingular Wireless <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />January 27, 2005 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />recommendation forwarded to the City Council. The findings for approval of the <br />conditional use permit have been attached for the Commissions' review (Attachment 4). <br />WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS FACIIITIES POLICY <br />The proposal is consistent with the Town's Wireless Communications Facilities Policy <br />because the facility is located on Town-owned, non-residential property. Visual impacts <br />of the wireless communications facility is minimal because the antennas are hidden inside <br />a flagpole and the equipment cabinets are proposed in a location generally not visible <br />from public view and painted to match the exterior of the existing building. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Based on the analysis contained in the Initial Study, potentially significant impacts of the <br />proposed project can be mitigated and reduced to a level where clearly no significant <br />impact will occur. (Attachment 5) The discussion below summarizes the impacts <br />identified in the Initial Study and Mitigation Measures that will reduce those impacts to a <br />less than significant level. <br />Noise- According to the applicant, the proposed equipment operating at full capacity will <br />generate a minimal, steady noise level comparable to a refrigerator or HVAC equipment. <br />As required by recommended mitigation measure XI-a, when installation of the <br />equipment cabinet is complete, the applicant will conduct an acoustical analysis of the <br />equipment to demonstrate compliance with the Town's noise ordinance. <br />Furthermore, temporary construction noise levels during the installation of the antenna <br />facility can be held to less than significant by adherence to the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />policies of 8:OOAM to 5:30PM hours of operation on Monday through Saturday with no <br />heavy equipment on Saturdays. (Mitigation Measure )a-d) <br />Public Service -The Cingular antennas will be located approximately 250 ft. from the <br />amateur (ham) radio antennas in the Town's EOC at the Heritage House. According to <br />the applicant, the antennas should not cause any interference to the operation of either <br />facilities. As required by recommended mitigation measure XIH-a, the applicant shall <br />conduct testing of the Cingular and amateur radio antenna facilities upon project <br />completion and implement corrective measures if necessary to ensure satisfactory <br />Operations of both facilities. <br />Mandatory Findings of Significance- The applicants have submitted a report prepared <br />by Hammet & Edison, Inc. dated July 2, 2004 indicating the project is in compliance <br />with federal radiofrequency emissions standards. (Attachment 7) In addition, since the <br />antennas are mounted on a 50' tall flagpole and are not accessible to the general public, <br />no mitigation is necessary to comply with the FCC public exposure guidelines. <br />However, to prevent occupational exposures in excess of the FCC guidelines during <br />