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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Cingular Wireless <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />January 27, 2005 <br />Page 3 of 6 <br />maintenance work by Cingular personnel on the facility, no access within 5 feet directly <br />in front of the Cingular antennas should be allowed while the base station is in <br />operation. <br />Mitigation Measure XVII-c will require warning signs (in compliance with ANSI <br />C95.2) to be posted at the antennas and/or on the pole below the antennas to comply <br />with FCC guidelines. <br />Landscaping: The proposed project does not incorporate any additional site landscape or <br />landscape screening into the plan because the antennas are not visible from public view <br />and the ancillary equipment will be painted to match the building exterior. As a result, the <br />project will have a less than significant impact on the aesthetic quality and visual <br />character of the site and its surrounding. Therefore, staff does not believe additional <br />landscaping is required for this project. <br />CEOA STATUS <br />In conformance with CEQA requirements, staff has prepared an Initial Study/Negative <br />Declaration. <br />A Notice of Intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was published in the Town <br />Crier on January 5, 2005. The notice was also submitted to the Santa Clara County <br />Clerks Office for a 20 day public review period which began on January 7 and ended on <br />January 27, 2005. <br />NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING <br />Cingular Wireless held a neighborhood outreach meeting at Town Hall on January 11, <br />2005 to answer any questions that neighbors may have about the proposal. A notice was <br />mailed to all residents within 500' of the project site. Although the applicant had <br />received several telephone inquiries regarding the project prior to the meeting, no <br />member of the public was present at the neighborhood outreach meeting. <br />As of this date, the Town has not received any comments from the public regarding the <br />subject proposal. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The proposed project will expand and improve cellular telephone coverage within the <br />Community and complies with the Town's Wireless Communication Facilities Policy. <br />The applicant has submitted a study indicating that the project is in compliance with <br />federal RF emissions standards. (Attachment 6) Based on the Initial Study, staff <br />concluded that the proposed project, as mitigated, will not have a significant effect on the <br />environment. <br />