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Item 3.5
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 27, 2005
Item 3.5
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/20/2016 4:14:58 PM
Creation date
10/16/2014 2:44:09 PM
Staff Report
Item Number
Item 3.5
Site Development Permit for a New Residence, SEcondary Dwelling Unit, and Pool; Lands of Blackman; 13815 Barton Court; File #220-04-ZP-SD-GD
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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Blackman <br />13815 Barton Court <br />January 27, 2005 <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />code requirements. The new driveway would be a minimum of 14 feet in width for its <br />entire length and a required fire truck turnaround has been incorporated into the proposed <br />driveway plan. A garage will provide three (3) covered parking spaces with standard <br />dimensions of 10' x 20'. Two (2) additional outdoor parking spaces are located directly <br />east of the main entrance outside of the required setbacks. <br />Outdoor Lightin <br />The applicant is proposing two (2) driveway entry lights and two (2) recessed step lights <br />within the east property line setback to provide safety fighting in the driveway backup <br />area (Lighting Plan L3). Staff has included condition #6 for outdoor lighting, requiring <br />that fixtures be down shielded, low wattage, and shall not encroach or reflect on adjacent <br />properties. The applicant has submitted lighting specifications indicating that all proposed <br />fixtures will be downshielded or have opaque glass covers to mitigate visibility. <br />Trees & Landscaping <br />Existing vegetation on the property includes a row of cypress trees which provides dense <br />screening along the southwest property line. The rest of the property is sparsely planted <br />with several oaks, a cypress, a pepper tree, and some ornamental plantings around the <br />house and at the bottom of the driveway. Trees proposed to be removed as part of the site <br />.development proposal include one (1) 12" pepper, one (1) 10" fig, and four (4) 8"-10" <br />oak trees. The location and list of the trees to be removed are detailed on the preliminary <br />site plan (Sheet C2). To ensure that all significant trees will be protected throughout the <br />construction period, staff has included condition of approval #5 requiring that the trees <br />within the vicinity of the construction be fenced for protection. <br />A landscape screening and erosion control plan will be required after final framing of the <br />new residence.. Furthermore, any landscaping required for screening or erosion control <br />will be required to be planted prior to final inspection, and a maintenance deposit to <br />ensure viability of plantings will be collected prior to final inspection. <br />Drainage <br />Water runoff generated from the new development will be collected and carried to an <br />onsite storm water detention system consisting of four 24"D x 35'L solid storage pipes. <br />The system slows down the incoming flow and meters the outflow to a 3" pipe. The <br />water is then carried to a 8' x 10' rip -rap dissipater located west of the new driveway. In <br />addition, a new earthen Swale will be constructed around the perimeter of the property to <br />capture additional stormwater runoff from neighboring properties. The applicant's <br />engineer has provided a hydrology study which included storm flow analysis and <br />calculations showing that the proposed drainage improvements will mitigate impacts of <br />
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