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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Blackman <br />13815 Barton Court <br />January 27, 2005 <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />the site development and the quantity and flow rate of onsite surface runoff will not <br />increase. <br />Pursuant to Section 10-2.503, Drainage Facilities Standards, of the Municipal Code, the <br />Engineering Department has reviewed and determined that the proposed drainage design <br />complies with Town requirements. The Engineering Department will review and approve <br />the final drainage plan prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. Final "as - <br />built" grading and drainage will be inspected by the Engineering Department, and any <br />deficiencies will be required to be corrected prior to final inspection. <br />Grading <br />Total grading quantities include 5,075 cubic yards of cut (basement, rear yard, and <br />swimming pool) and 660 cubic yards of fill (driveway and north of the main residence). <br />The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed grading and concluded that it is <br />not in conformance with the Town's grading policy. Specifically, the applicant is <br />requesting up to 12.5' of slope cut in the rear yard covering approximately 4,000 square <br />feet in area to create a flat pad in order to accommodate a swimming pool and lawn areas. <br />(Attachment 3) According to the Town's grading policy, the maximum allowable cut for <br />decks and yards is 4'. However, the Planning Commission has the discretion to approve <br />grading levels beyond standard requirements when the individual site dictates the need to. <br />deviate from the criteria. <br />The purpose of the Town's grading policy is to assure construction that retains the <br />existing contours and basic landform of the site to the greatest extent feasible. In <br />reviewing the proposal, staff does not recommend approval of the excessive grading for <br />the following reasons: <br />1) The Planning Commission has approved exceptions to the grading policy for <br />necessary improvements such as a driveway or a main residence particularly when <br />such exceptions would result in the preservation of trees or the lowering of the house <br />profile on highly visible hillside lots. However, the Planning Commission has <br />determined that the installation of amenities such as pools, decks, and lawns should <br />generally conform to the limitations of the Town Grading Policy and the existing <br />hillside terrain. In the past, the Planning Commission has rejected requests for the <br />wholesale grading and alteration of hillsides in order to accommodate pools and <br />expansive flat lawns. The most recent example was for the Lands of Shimmon, 24301 <br />Elise Court, 202-02-ZP-SD-GD on June 12, 2003. <br />2) In reviewing similar proposals, staff has consistently directed applicants to redesign <br />their projects to adhere to the Town's grading limits. This property is not unique in <br />that many other sites in the Town are similarly constrained by the hilly terrain. <br />