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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Blackman <br />13815 Barton Court <br />January 27, 2005 <br />Page 7 of 11 <br />within the drip lines of these trees. Existing perimeter plantings shall be <br />fenced and retained throughout the entire construction period. <br />6. Outdoor lighting is approved as shown on the approved site plans. No <br />lighting may be placed within setbacks except two entry or driveway lights <br />and two recessed Steplight model L-012 located within the east setback. <br />Lighting shall be down shielded, low wattage, shall not encroach or reflect <br />on adjacent properties, and the source of the lighting shall not be visible <br />from off the site. The proposed Bellacor "Newcastle" wall lights model <br />#37339 shall have opaque glass covers. Any additional outdoor lighting <br />shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. <br />7. Fire retardant roofing (Class A) is required for all new construction <br />8. No portion of the roof eaves or roof overhang shall encroach within the <br />property line setbacks. <br />9. Walkways located within the property line setbacks shall not exceed 4' in <br />width. <br />10. Skylights, if utilized, shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted <br />light (tinted or colored glass, or other material). No lighting may be placed <br />within skylight wells. <br />11. The location, height and materials of the fences shall be constructed <br />according to the approved plans. Any changes to the location, height, or <br />construction of any proposed fences shall first be approved by the <br />Planning Department. <br />12. The owner shall be responsible for verifying that the new fence is located <br />within the property lines. <br />13. Standard swimming pool conditions: <br />a. Lights shall be designed so that the source is not visible from off-site. <br />b. Drainage outfall structures shall be constructed and located to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. <br />c. Equipment shall be enclosed on all four sides with a roof for noise <br />mitigation and screening. <br />14. For swimming pools, at least one of the following safety features shall be <br />installed to the satisfaction of the Town Building Official: <br />a. The pool shall be isolated from access to the residence by an enclosure <br />(fencing). <br />