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Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />Lands of Blackman <br />13815 Barton Court <br />January 27, 2005 <br />Page 9 of 11 <br />For further details on the above geotechnical requirements, please refer to <br />the letter from Cotton, Shires & Associates, Inc., dated February January <br />11, 2005. <br />16. Peak discharge at 13815 Barton Court, as a result of Site Development <br />Permit 220-04, shall not exceed the existing pre -development peak <br />discharge value of the property. Detention storage must be incorporated <br />into the project to reduce the predicted peak discharge to the pre - <br />development value. Provide the data and peak discharge hydrologic <br />model(s) utilized, as well as, the calculations of the peak discharge value <br />prior and post development. Determine the design peak runoff rate for a <br />10 -year return period storm and provide detention storage design plans to <br />reduce the predicted peak discharge to the pre -development value. All <br />documentation, calculations, and detention storage design (2 plan copies) <br />shall be submitted for review and approval to the satisfaction of the City <br />Engineer prior to acceptance of plans for building plan check. Prior to <br />final inspection, a letter shall be submitted from the project engineer <br />stating that the detention storage design improvements and site grading <br />were constructed as shown on the approved plans. <br />17. Any, and all, changes to the approved grading and drainage plan shall be <br />submitted as revisions from the project engineer and shall first be <br />approved by the Town Engineering Department. No grading shall take <br />place during the grading moratorium (November 1 to April 1) except with <br />prior approval from the City Engineer. No grading shall take place within <br />ten feet of any property line except to allow for the construction of the <br />driveway access. <br />18. All public utility services serving this property shall be placed <br />underground. <br />19. At the time of foundation inspection for the new residence and prior to <br />final inspection, the location and elevation of the new residence shall be <br />certified in writing by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor <br />as being in/at the approved location and elevation shown on the approved <br />Site Development plan. At the time of framing inspection for the new <br />residence, the height of each building shall be similarly certified as being <br />at the height shown on the approved Site Development plan. <br />20. Two copies of an erosion and sediment control plan shall be submitted for <br />review and approval by the Engineering Department prior to acceptance of <br />plans for building plan check. The contractor and the property owner shall <br />