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Item 7.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
January 27, 2005
Item 7.1
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Staff Report
Item Number
Item 7.1
Draft Meeting Minutes December 9, 2004
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Planning Commission Minutes DKAFT- <br />December 9, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />The Planning Director introduced this item noting this was more of a review rather than a <br />renewal with one modification to the conditions of approval to extend the review period from <br />three to five yews which is standard with other communications facility applications. <br />Commissioner Collins noted that the ball park and riding ring has been recommended or <br />proposed for different uses (recreation facility, and possibility the Charter School site). She <br />asked if the exposure standards would be different if the other uses were on the site. The <br />Planning Director indicated no as the exposure level is so low. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br />MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Motion by Commissioner Clow, <br />seconded by Commissioner Cottrell and passed by consensus to approve the requested extension <br />of the Conditional Use Permit for an additional 5 yews, subject to continued compliance with the <br />original conditions of approval, Lands of Los Altos Hills (AT&T), 27440 Purissima Road. <br />This item will appear on a City Council consent calendar. <br />3.3 LANDS OF TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, 26379 Fremont Road (162-04-ZP- <br />SD); A request for a Site Development Permit for a 79'8" emergency <br />communications antenna: 60 -foot lattice tower with a 2 -foot mast, and six (6) <br />antennas (staff -Debbie Pedro) <br />Staff introduced this item by providing an overview of the staff report The Emergency <br />Communications Committee had prepared a detailed report that included analyzing the <br />requirements of the EOC antenna and determination that the proposed system would provide <br />reliable emergency communication between LAH-EOC, Santa Clara County EOC and other <br />emergency personnel in the event of a disaster or emergency. Staff has had fin-ther discussions <br />with the Emergency Communications Committee in the last few days and it has become apparent <br />that the retractable (crank up) antenna tower discussed in the staff report is not a feasible <br />alternative (due to the four antennas on the side which need to be vertically aliened and cannot <br />be retracted with the mast). If the Commission would like to consider an alternative to the <br />proposed design, members of the Emergency Communications Committee were available to <br />discuss other possible alternatives to the antenna systems. She noted that the neighbors within <br />500 feet of the project site had been noticed of the public hearing. <br />Commissioner KeDIS Doted that the City Council had approved the expenditure, not the design of <br />the antenna. <br />Commissioner Collins, for clarification, stated that Council has approved funding of the antenna <br />and it is the role of the Commission to look at the design and see if it fits. She asked if it was <br />also their role to took at the reasoning for the height? <br />
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