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3 . I <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS February 10, 2005 <br />Staff Report to the Plannin Commission <br />RE: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO REVISE THE TOWN MASTER PATH <br />PLAN OF 1981 AND REVIEW OF NEGATIVE DECLARATION; TOWN WIDE <br />LOS ALTOS HILLS. <br />FROM: Carl Cahill, Planning Director CC. <br />RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission: <br />1. Review and recommend that the City Council adopt the attached Negative <br />Declaration & Initial Study. <br />2. Approve the attached resolution recommending to the City Council that the <br />proposed General Plan amendment to the 1981 Master Path Plan be approved. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The current Master Path Map is 21 years old. The 1996 General Plan Pathway Element <br />calls for a new map to be developed by the Pathways Committee and approved by the <br />City Council. The Town General Plan Pathway Element requires the 1981 Master Path <br />Plan to be updated. The Master Path Plan is a map that shows the entire network of <br />planned off-road pathways and roadside pathways throughout the Town. <br />At the direction of the City Council, the Pathways Committee has been studying the <br />Town's off-road pathways system, as shown on the 1981 Master Path Plan, for over one <br />year. Since August 2004, the Pathway Committee has held three public hearings with <br />Town wide notice and conducted numerous neighborhood visits to discuss the Town's <br />off-road pathways system with residents. The outcome of these meetings was the <br />development of the draft 2005 Off -Road Path Plan. The Pathway Committee will present <br />the draft 2005 Off -Road Path Plan to the Planning Commission for consideration and its <br />recommendation. No changes to the roadside pathways system, as shown on the 1981 <br />Master Path Plan, are planned at this time. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The rationale for each of the Pathway Committee's Off -Road Path Plan recommendations <br />is detailed in the attached spreadsheet. Each recommendation is keyed to a <br />corresponding off-road path location as shown on the attached 2005 Off -Road Master <br />Path Map "Version 2.0." <br />The primary focus of the Pathway Committee's review of the off-road system was to <br />review pathways shown on the 1981 Map under certain criteria that include: impractical <br />to construct due to either steep terrain, redundancy with other pathway routes, <br />obsolescence due to the subsequent subdivision of land and significant impacts to <br />