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Memorandum of Understanding <br /> Between <br /> The Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> And <br /> Los Altos Hills Emergency Group <br /> This Memorandum of Understanding("MOU")is between the Town of Los Altos Hills("LAH")and <br /> the Los Altos Hills Emergency Group("LAHEG"),collectively the"Parties",and is effective on the <br /> later of the dates of the signatures below. <br /> The purpose of this MOU is to express an understanding between the parties and to provide a <br /> framework for their cooperation,in facilitating the provision by LAHEG of Amateur Radio <br /> Emergency Communications repeater capabilities for the benefit of LAH and its residents. <br /> RECITALS <br /> LAH recognizes that amateur radio operators,who are licensed by the Federal Communications <br /> Commission ("FCC'), provide important emergency and public service communications on a <br /> voluntary basis, in time of need,when other communications modes are unavailable or may be <br /> overwhelmed;and <br /> LAH recognizes that LAHEG is a private amateur radio club formed in 1999 and duly governed by <br /> its elected officers. LAH further recognizes that except for this MOU LAHEG is not nor shall be <br /> connected with or controlled by LAH, its employees,or its committees. <br /> LAH recognizes that LAHEG is the legal holder of an amateur radio license(s)and that LAHEG is <br /> authorized by the FCC,to operate amateur radio equipment as prescribed by the FCC rules and <br /> regulations. LAH also recognizes that LAHEG possesses frequency coordination(s)granted to <br /> LAHEG by the Northern Amateur Relay Council of California("NARCC"),an independent <br /> organization sanctioned by the FCC for such purposes. <br /> LAH recognizes that as a licensee LAHEG is solely responsible to the FCC for the control and <br /> operation of radio equipment operating under its license(s),and that LAHEG may not delegate its <br /> rights or obligations under this FCC license,and that LAHEG is obligated to disable radio <br /> equipment operating under its license(s)if unauthorized persons obtain physical access or control <br /> of the equipment. LAH recognizes that the Telecommunications Act of 1934 does not allow the <br /> holding of an amateur radio license or control of an amateur radio station or repeater by a town <br /> or city. <br /> LAH further recognizes that LAHEG has made the W6LAH repeater continuously available for use <br /> by amateur radio operators in and around Los Altos Hills since its initial deployment in April, <br /> 2002. <br /> Resolution 11-15 Page'-, <br />