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3.! <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS April 14, 2005 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: CONDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT <br />FOR NEW RESIDENCE AND SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW THE <br />ENCROACHMENT OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES AND DOOR LANDINGS; <br />LANDS OF ESHGHI AND DOROODIAN; 13530 FREMONT ROAD; FILE #168-04- <br />ZP-SD-GD-CDP-VAR <br />FROM: Leslie Hopper, Project Planner <br />044 <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Director <br />RECOMMENDATION that the Planning Commission: <br />1. Approve the Conditional Development Permit, Site Development Permit and Variance <br />subject to the recommended conditions of approval and findings included as Attachments 1, <br />2 and 3. <br />This request for a Conditional Development Permit, Site Development Permit and Variance <br />was continued from the January 27, 2005 Planning Commission hearing, where neighbors <br />voiced their concems regarding the size of the house relative to the small, comer lot and <br />traffic safety issues related to the proposed driveway on Burke Road and visibility at the <br />comer of Fremont and Burke Roads. The proposed residence met maximum height, floor and <br />development area standards. However, the proposed house would have required a variance to <br />allow portions of the house and two required parking spaces to encroach up to 16 feet into the <br />front, side and rear yards. <br />The Planning Commission acknowledged that it was a difficult lot but did not find sufficient <br />grounds to support the requested variance. The Commission recommended that the applicant <br />redesign the house to minimize setback encroachments and to relocate the driveway to <br />Fremont Road. <br />DISCUSSION OF REVISED PLANS <br />In response to the Planning Commission's direction, the project has been redesigned to <br />include the following changes: <br />• Floor area of the house has been reduced by 218 sq.ft. (from a total of 4,541 to 4,323 <br />sq.ft.) as shown in the comparison below. <br />• The pool has been eliminated and development area has been reduced by 228 sq. ft. <br />(from a total of 6,628 to 6,400 sq.ft.) <br />