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Planning Commission <br />tends of 8shghi <br />April 14, 2005 <br />Page 2 of I <br />The house has been reconfigured so it is located almost completely behind setback <br />lines. The only features that encroach into setback areas are 2 required parking spaces <br />and landings for 4 French doors on the west side of the house, 2 doors on the north <br />side, and the front entrance on the south side of the house. (See sketch of updated <br />landings in Attachment 8.) <br />• The driveway has been relocated from Burke Road to Fremont Road <br />Comparison of Floor Area and Development Area (in square feet) <br />Area Maximum Original Revised Existing <br />Development Area 6,647 6,628 6,400 3,333 <br />Floor Area 4,547 4,541 4,323 1,808 <br />Site and Architecture <br />The redesigned residence meets the Town's height, floor area and development area <br />requirements. The maximum building height on a vertical plane is 27 feet and the overall <br />height of the building from the lowest point to the highest point is 32.5 feet. More compact <br />than the original design, the revised residence is located almost entirely behind setback lines, <br />with minimal encroachments for 2 required parking spaces and 7 door landings. No floor area <br />encroaches into the setback areas. <br />The eaves of the roof extend approximately one foot into front, side and rear yards. However, <br />Sec. 10-1.505 of the Municipal Code allows the Planning Commission to approve an <br />exception for eaves to extend up to 4 feet into any front, side, or rear yard where the options <br />for siting of structures are substantially constrained by factors such as the size of the lot, as in <br />this case. <br />The traditional style of the redesigned residence is similar to the original proposal, with the <br />same materials including cement stucco walls, natural slate roof, wood doors and windows, <br />and copper gutters and downspouts. <br />Driveway & Parkin¢ <br />In response to concerns about traffic safety, the driveway has been moved from its original <br />location on Burke Road to Fremont Road, where the existing driveway is located. The garage <br />at the south end of the house provides two standard parking spaces. Two additional parking <br />spaces are located southeast of the garage. Due to the small size of the lot, the additional <br />parking spaces are within the side and rear yard setbacks. The revised site plan (Sheet A1.0) <br />calls for two additional trees to be planted as a buffer or screen between the parking area and <br />the neighbor's property to the east. <br />