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City Council Minutes
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5/21/2015 2:40:01 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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%W 4.2 Decided Not To Review the following Planning Commission Action at its meeting on <br />February 25, 1997: <br />4.2a Lands of Prime Home Development, 12129 Oak Park Court: approved <br />request for a site development permit for a new residence, pool and sport <br />court, and a variance to allow grading within 10 feet of a property line <br />4.4 Accepted Grant of conservation/landscape easement, Lands of Yanez, <br />26242 Fremont Road — Reso # 13-98 <br />Items Removed: <br />4.1 Approval of Minutes: March4,1998 <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Siegel and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to approve the minutes of the Much 4, 1998 City Council <br />Meeting with the following corrections: Page 5, Item 9.1, first sentence should read: "Dauber <br />suggested establishing a policy of limiting maximum development area and maximum floor area <br />at the time of subdivision for unusually constrained lots as was done with the Matadero Creek <br />Subdivision."; Page 10, Item 11.3, third paragraph, replace second sentence with the following: <br />"Dauber did not support the fourteen foot driveway. She noted that all the landscape mitigation <br />shown was in the right of way or on the Public Utility Easement and may at some time have to <br />be removed. She said she could support the driveway if the auto court were to be eliminated."; <br />Page 11, third paragraph, delete the following sentence: "There was a lot unit factor of .91 and <br />7,400 square feet." <br />4.3 Rejection of Claim: LaVerle Spencer <br />Casey asked if the Ms. Spencer had been advised of this meeting. The City Clerk noted that she <br />had spoken with Ms. Spencer twice and at Ms. Spencer's request this claim was agendized for <br />this meeting rather than the Much 4* meeting. An agenda had been mailed to Ms. Spencer. <br />Casey suggested continuing this item for one more meeting to see if Ms. Spencer wished to <br />address the Council on this claim. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Casey and passed by <br />the following roll call vote to continue the rejection of Ms. Spencer's claim to the next Council <br />Meeting and to advise her of the continuance. <br />AYES: Mayor Casey and Councilmembers Johnson and Siegel <br />NOES: Councilmember Dauber <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Hubbard <br />5. <br />5.1 Adoption of Proposed Housing Element of the Town's General Plan and <br />Proposed Negative Declaration -- Resolution #_ <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Dauber and <br />passed unanimously by all members present to adopt Resolution # 14-98 adopting the <br />Housing Element of the General Plan and adopting a negative declaration. <br />%W <br />Much 18,1998 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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