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9.5 Construction Debris Boxes (Mayor Casey) <br />Casey noted that the ordinance required an applicant to have a debris box on site during <br />construction. She asked that this matter be agendized for Council discussion as she thought it <br />was an unfair burden on applicants particularly in the very beginning of a project when it was not <br />necessary. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Carol Tiegs, Los Altos Town Crier, commented that she had enjoyed covering Los Altos Hills <br />for the Town Crier. However, due to personal reasons she would temporarily be off this <br />assignment. The Council thanked Carol for doing a good job on accurately reporting To" <br />news. <br />Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, commented on a couple of issues that Council had <br />discussed during the meeting. On the issue of the sales tax on the internet, she recommended <br />taking no action until the issue had been decided at the federal level. Concerning the pathway <br />issue, she suggested letting the Pathways Committee review the points agreed on at the January <br />7' Council Meeting. Mrs. Bertram believed it would be a better process if it was not rushed and <br />if it included good communication. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11. 1 Request for pre -zoning of a 1.22 acre parcel in Santa Clara County that is to be <br />annexed into the Town, Lands of Loughmiller, 25309 La Loma Drive <br />The Planning Director reported that recent correspondence from the Local Agency Formation <br />Commission (LAFCO) stated that their staff's recommendation was not to annex the <br />Loughmiller property to the Town as this would create an island of county land within Town <br />property. <br />Siegel stated that he did not agree with this recommendation and would be willing to attend the <br />LAFCO meeting at which this request was discussed to ask that they overturn their staff s <br />recommendation. <br />Mr. Loughmiller, applicant, noted that since 1996 they had had an approved site development <br />permit in the County. This permit was due to expire in July of 1998. Basically they had thought <br />the annexation would be the last step in their application for a combination of two lots (one in the <br />County and one in the Town) and a site development permit in the Town for a new home. At <br />this point he just wanted to know where to turn in his plans for his project (County or Town). <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Johnson, seconded by Siegel and passed <br />unanimously by all members present to introduce an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance <br />to prezone the property adjacent to 25309 La Loma Drive. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To agree that Councilmember Siegel, the Planning Director and <br />Mr. Loughmiller would attend the April 8� meeting of the Local Agency Formation Commission <br />(LAFCO) to request that agency to approve annexation of the Loughmiller property to the <br />Town. <br />March 18, 1998 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />