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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Hubbard and passed <br />E. unanimously by all members present to approve the abbreviated guide for the Emergency <br />Handbook dated April 1988 with the following changes: 1) an update of the abbreviated guide <br />will be submitted by the City Clerk in November of each year for Council approval; 2) the <br />location of the key to the generator cabinet will be included on page 22; 3) clearer copies of the <br />pictures on page 22 will be included in the guides; 4) copies of the abbreviated guide and its <br />distribution list will be stored with the emergency supplies at Town Hall; 5) on page 5 an <br />addition will be made to the Logistics Section stating that the City Manager or his designee will <br />be responsible for contacting the neighborhood coordinators and ham radio operators in case of <br />emergency. The City Manager will also provide the neighborhood coordinators with a list of <br />their responsibilities; and 6) on page 4 the command section shall be clarified to state that the <br />Director of Emergency Services is the City Manager and the Assistant Director of Emergency <br />Services is the Mayor. Council further approved the following distribution for the abbreviated <br />guide for the Emergency Handbook: City Council, Standby Councilmembers, Town Hall Staff, <br />Captain Robert Wilson, Fire Chief Douglas Sporleder, Captain Bob Haag and Chairman of the <br />Safety Committee. <br />Council thanked the Safety Committee for the excellentjob they did on preparing this <br />abbreviated guide for the Emergency Handbook. <br />5.2 Goals and Objectives -Third Quarter Report <br />Dauber asked if the Environmental Design and Protection Committee was aware of Objective LD <br />"To work with the Environmental Design and Protection Committee to develop a storm drainage <br />policy that established guidelines for the construction and design of drainage improvements <br />within natural drainage swales and along roadways." The City Manager reported that staff would <br />be preparing a recommendation on this for the committee to review. In response to an inquiry <br />about the Parcel Data Base, the Planning Director reported that staff was now updating the data <br />base. Concerning the development of a construction materials recycling strategy, the City <br />Manager noted that he would be working with Bill Jones, General Manager of the Los Altos <br />Garbage Company on this issue. Dauber asked that the list of Town areas where weed control <br />spraying was conducted be sent to the Environmental Design and Protection Committee. Dauber <br />also referred to objective 4.1) and recommended that pathway maintenance standards and the <br />assessment and monitoring of pathway conditions be documented. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Dauber and passed <br />unanimously by all present to accept the third quarter report on goals and objectives. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />6.1 Approval of revised Personnel Rules and Regulations, and Compensation and <br />Benefits Plan— Resolutions # <br />The City Manager referred to the report before Council which included a new personnel policy <br />manual, a compensation plan, position classifications and a revised benefit package. He noted <br />that the personnel rules and regulations had been prepared in 1977 and adopted by the Council <br />in 1984. Since that time they had not officially been reviewed, updated and adopted. To arrive <br />at a fair compensation plan, the job descriptions had been updated and the Employee Relations <br />Service had been contracted with to do a salary survey. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue the revised benefits package to a later meeting and to <br />provide a more detailed discussion of the benefits, particularly how they are administered. <br />April 15, 1998 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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