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8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1 Solid Waste Issues <br />The City Manager reported that there had been some logistical problems at Foothill College <br />regarding the location of the yardwaste pickup. The details were being worked out and Bill <br />Jones, General Manager of the Los Altos Garbage Company was going to get in touch with the <br />Town Crier to get additional information on the changes, etc. in the Crier. Concerning the <br />yardwaste center on Purissima, the Los Altos Garbage Company would be cleaning it up and a <br />plan would be prepared for the site. The funding for such plans and improvements would come <br />from the solid waste fund. The suggestion was made that a sign be placed at the yardwaste <br />center giving the dates at Foothill College for yardwaste pickups. Regarding the contract with <br />Zanker Road, it had been reviewed by the City Manager and the City Attorney and may be ready <br />for Council review at the next Council meeting. <br />8.2 Sound System - Council Chambers <br />The City Manager reported that Johnson had agreed to advise staff on the sound system for <br />Council Chambers. <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br />Council agreed that the letter from Donna Green regarding cable issues would be sent to Sun <br />Country Cable for reply. They also agreed to agendize the issue of pathways on both sides of a <br />road as raised in Les Earnest's letter concerning Arastradero. Council further agreed that the <br />Mayor should send letters to the Director of NASA at Moffett Field and to Hill Reiser thanking <br />them both for working out the problems concerning the installation of the new beacon light at <br />Moffett. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />9.1 Community Health Awareness Council (Councilmember Hubbard) <br />Hubbard commented that he had attended a breakfast meeting held by CHAC and he was very <br />impressed with the work they were doing. <br />9.2 Community Services Agency (Mayor Pro Tem Johnson) <br />Johnson reported that he had recently attended a CSA meeting and he was quite impressed with <br />their achievements. <br />9.3 Foothill College Yardwaste Collection (Councilmember Siegel) <br />April 15, 1998 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />