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Council discussed the findings before them. Dauber did not believe cost was an <br />�kw appropriate finding but noted that resiting of the home was not possible because of the <br />existing septic system. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Hubbard <br />and passed unanimously to uphold the Floodplain Administrator's (City <br />Engineer's) interpretation of required floodproofing and approve the request for <br />a variance at 25280 Cantata Way to allow substantial improvement without <br />raising the finished floor elevation to 12 inches above the I% base flood <br />elevation, subject to the findings in Attachment B, with the additional finding <br />stating that it would be difficult to relocate the house because of the location of <br />the existing septic system. <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />7.1 Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee <br />7.1.1 Proposed Amendments to the Master Path Plan <br />Les Earnest, Chairman - Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee, presented <br />proposed amendments to the Master Path Plan. He did note however that since he had <br />prepared these recommendations, the committee had met and made some changes. <br />Council discussed the proposed amendments, the noticing process, the size of the area <br />to be reviewed at one time, the issue of paths on private roads, roadside paths and the <br />appropriate timing for Council input. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To establish a subcommittee of Johnson and Siegel to review <br />and make a recommendation on the process involving the proposed amendments to the <br />Master Path Plan and to report back to the Council with a proposed policy. Staff <br />support on this subcommittee would be Ed Taylor, Public Works Manager. <br />0 <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Joint Meeting <br />The City Manager reminded Council that a Joint Meeting with the Planning <br />Commission had been scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on January 29th. <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 15, 1997 <br />