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8.1.2 Page Mill Road <br />The City Manager reported that part of Page Mill Road was being threatened with <br />the rains. The road was still intact but part of the embankmant was being <br />washed away. He would be meeting with the consultant at the site the next <br />day to assess the situation. <br />8.1.3 Park and Ride -- Arastradero and Page Mill <br />The City Manager noted that some correspondence had been received against <br />using the Park and Ride as one of the locations for the Town's clean up days. <br />With Council's concurrence. he would notify those writing that since such <br />sites were difficult to find and the clean up days occurred only four times a <br />year, no changes would be made. Dauber did not believe that the Town <br />needed to provide parking for football games and bike rides. Council <br />concurred. <br />8.1.4 Pavement Management <br />The City Manager reported that the paving project on Moody and Magdalena had <br />been postponed due to the rain and had been rescheduled for next Monday. <br />8.1.5 Santa Clara County City Managers' Association <br />Council congratulated the City Manager on being elected President of the Santa <br />Clara County City Managers' Association. <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br />It was agreed that Dauber would contact Marjorie Evans for more <br />information on her letter concerning airplane noise and the City Manager <br />would write to Mrs. Buneman concerning use of the park and ride as a <br />location for clean up days. The City Manager referred to the letter concerning <br />the Fremont Hills Country Club and the condition of the horses and noted <br />that their conditional use permit was coming up for review and the staff <br />would ascertain that all of the conditions of this permit were being met. <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 15, 1997 <br />