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MA <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />9.1 Policy Decision on attendance by Councilmembers at Planning <br />Commission Meetings (Mayor Hubbard) <br />Johnson believed if Councilmembers wanted to attend they could but they definitely <br />should not participate. Dauber thought it was an important learning experience and a <br />rotation schedule should be followed. Casey and Hubbard did not believe there should <br />be a schedule but Councilmembers should be encouraged to attend at least two <br />Planning Commission Meetings a year. There was no policy decision made on this <br />issue. <br />9.2 Policy Decision on soliciting applicant approval of conditions of <br />approval prior to approving a project (Mayor Hubbard) <br />Winston Lambert, 24700 Olive Tree Court, inquired what happened if a condition was <br />imposed after the public hearing was closed. <br />Dot Schreiner, Planning Commssioner, commented that the applicant always had the <br />opportunity to speak even after the public hearing was closed. <br />Council discussed whether the Planning Commission should ask if an applicant <br />`► concurred with the proposed conditions; whether a project should be denied if <br />conditions were changed and the issue of appeal fees. No policy change was made on <br />these issues. <br />9.3 Uses of the Griffin House (Councilmember Dauber) <br />Dauber noted that she had attended a meeting of the Foothill-DeAnza College Board at <br />which possible uses for the Griffin House were under discussion. Dauber was bringing <br />this to the Council to ascertain if they wished to state a preference. The five <br />recommendations were: 1) meeting space for college, community and rental use <br />combined with arts center; 2) retreat/ conference center for high-profile companies; 3) <br />use of upstairs rooms by non-profit organizations; 4) museum/ art gallery; or 5) housing <br />for homeless students. <br />Council discussed in general the proposed uses. The Town had community <br />development block grant funds available which possibly could be used for student <br />housing. On the subject of a conference center, the issue of increased traffic to the Town <br />was mentioned. It was further noted that such a center would need a use permit from <br />the Town. Other uses mentioned involved a transitional home for use by Community <br />Services Agency and a home for the physically disabled. The majority of the <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 15, 1997 <br />