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Tom Boyd, applicant's architect, explained to the Council how the house had been <br />redesigned in a manner which they believed was in accordance with the Town's Codes. <br />With the large rooms and high ceilings they were pushing the height evelope so they <br />requested a variance to go one foot below the great room. This had no affect on the <br />outside of the home. As it turned out after reviewing the plans just today Mr. Boyd <br />realized they could actually use another 6 - 8 ". Therefore, he asked if Council could <br />consider this request for an additional 6-8" above ground. <br />The City Attorney pointed out that this additional request could not be discussed by <br />Council as it had not been included in the noticed public hearing. <br />Dauber questioned the first finding which stated that the finding could be made <br />because the property exceeded nine acres. She questioned how this could be enforced <br />in the future (keeping the lot nine acres) and wanted any future owner to know about <br />this condition by having it recorded. Casey did not think Council should even be <br />discussing this issue. The request had no impact on the outside of the house. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Casey and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to approve the request for a variance for the great <br />room only to allow maximum heights of 36 feet and 28 feet, where 35 feet and 27 feet, <br />respectively, were the maximum permitted, for a new residence based on the findings <br />in Exhibit B. <br />AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmembers Casey, Johnson and Siegel <br />NOES: Councilmember Dauber <br />11.3 Request for an amendment to the conditions of approval for a Site <br />Development Permit for a secondary unit approved October 9,1996, <br />Lands of Carsten, 13761 La Paloma Road <br />The Planning Director's staff report included an outline of the issue before Council. The <br />applicant was requesting deletion of the condition which required dedication of right of <br />way which would reduce the lot to less than 1 acre. In conformance with the Town's <br />road right of way policy, all arterial and collector streets (La Paloma was a collector) <br />shall have a right of way width of sixty feet. Such parcels of less than one acre, <br />however, were recognized as legal lots for development subject to certain planning <br />limitations, and other properties in Town had been required to make such dedications <br />of right of way. <br />Lala Carsten, applicant, stated that she had purchased the lot 33 years ago in part <br />because if was a one acre lot. In fact she had lived in Town prior to its incorporation <br />and noted that the Town was incorporated to protect its one acre zoning. She <br />questioned where this dedication of land might end. Furthermore, while she was not <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />January 15, 1997 <br />