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projects were made and make this quite clear to the applicants so they understood why <br />their development area, floor area, etc. was reduced; 3) review Design Guidelines for <br />possible changes, updates, etc.; and 4) direct the Planning Director to prepare a design <br />guideline on skylights. <br />Those present discussed the use of windows; indoor and outdoor lighting and its <br />impact on the neighbors; the current requirement for a mitigation landscape plan to be <br />filed with application; and the standard condition of approval concerning skylights. <br />Dauber suggested the question should be asked: "Does the house stand alone if the <br />proposed landscaping is not completed?' On the subject of visibility it was noted that <br />houses will always be visible from somewhere but also that the houses should fit into <br />the lot and flow with the land. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: Agreed that if a lot was highly visible and impacted the <br />neighbors, the following design review issues were deemed important to address: <br />colors and materials, height, windows, eaves, skylights, architectual features and <br />second story setbacks. If the lot was not highly visible and did not impact the <br />neighbors, these issues would be determined not to be critical. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct staff to review the 1989 Site Development Policy <br />and to bring back an updated and revised copy for Council approval. <br />Staff raised the issue of drainage and recommended that drainage issues be referred to <br />staff in the conditions of approval. There were so many factors and each site was so <br />different that it was not efficient for Planning Commissioners or Councilmembers to <br />attempt to address drainage issues during their discussions. It would be better if they <br />brought up areas of particular concern for staff to look at and for the staff to work with <br />the applicant. It was agreed, however, that the staff reports would include information <br />on how the drainage issues were being addressed so that this information would be <br />available for the public as well as for the applicant. <br />4. TOPICS FOR FUTURE DISCUSSION <br />A. Ordinance Revisions and Policies - Process <br />B. Training <br />The Planning Director noted that such training included the upcoming Planning <br />Commissioners Institute which a few of the commissioners planned to attend. <br />C. Visual aids and other resources <br />The Planning Director commented that staff was open to suggestions on ways to <br />[ present their reports, such as the use of more graphics. One recommendation was to <br />i/ January 29, 1997 <br />Adjourned City Council Meeting <br />