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Roberta Garland, 27555 Purissima Road, asked Council to please consider an alternative site for <br />the yardwaste center. She distributed pictures emphasizing her complaints of increased traffic <br />and debris over the past six years. <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Amendment to Article 10-2.10 (Outdoor Lighting) of the Site Development <br />Code to add a purpose statement and clarifying language (SECOND READING) <br />John Knox-Sieth, 27741 Via Cerro Gordo, believed the lighting regulations were too restrictive <br />and supported the nuisance abatement approach if there was a problem. <br />Robert Molinari, 12133 Foothill Lane, did not support more restrictive lighting regulations. He <br />believed excessive lighting and being a nuisance should be avoided but he also did not think it <br />was the role of city government to regulate wattage of light bulbs. Furthermore, he suggested <br />that the vision of the Town as promoted by this ordinance and policy may not reflect current <br />trends in the Town. <br />Hanna Wiseman, Birch Hill Way, commented that lighting had changed over the years and <br />adequate lighting to enjoy one's home should be allowed. <br />Paul Simon, 12271 Windsor Court, emphasized minimizing intrusiveness on neighbors. He <br />thought Los Altos Hills was rural not suburban. <br />R. C. Hill, 13870 La Paloma Road, suggested that the primary purpose of this ordinance should <br />be the following in an order of priority: safety, enjoyment of one's home, and keeping light <br />from not being seen from off site. He further commented that he preferred using the nuisance <br />abatement vehicle as he did not think this ordinance placed enough emphasis on the enjoyment <br />of one's home. <br />Herbert Cabral, 25325 Elena, stated that intrusiveness was an issue <br />Emily Cheng, 24595 Voorhees Drive, believed safety was an important issue. Residents should <br />not have to use flashlights to get around their property in the dark. <br />Shelley Doran, 14850 Manuella, suggested a better definition of adequate was needed in the <br />ordinance and the impact of the lighting policy on new homes be considered. She further noted <br />that the nuisance abatement process was difficult to enforce. <br />Sandra Humphries, 26238 Fremont Road, commented that the size of homes was much larger <br />now and there was not as much space between lots. She did not think that there were actually <br />many residents at this meeting complaining about this ordinance and most people had trust in <br />their elected officials and volunteers. <br />Jim Downey, 26000 Newbridge, referred to the mailing he had received on this issue from the <br />Los Altos Hills Civic Association and supported such communication on major ordinance <br />changes. He thought the purpose of the ordinance was incorrectly stated. Residents lived on <br />properties to enjoy them and while they should not be intrusive they also should not be dictated <br />by regulations. <br />September 30, 1997 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />