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Regular Meeting Minutes
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Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill, addressed the Council on behalf of Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena <br />Road, who was unable to be present. Lighting should not be intrusive and there was not enough <br />staff to enforce this issue. Therefore, a strong Town policy and ordinance was needed. <br />Erica Indaco, 13721 La Paloma, referred to the problem of emergency vehicles trying to find <br />homes that had insufficient lighting. Safety was an important issue. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To amend the proposed ordinance to read, in part, as follows: <br />Purpose Statement shall read: "The purposes of this article are: 1) to assure that outdoor lighting, <br />both on the exterior of structures and along walkways, driveways, and landscape features, <br />maintains the openness and quiet atmosphere of the Town and minimizes excessive use of <br />energy; 2) to provide lighting for safety and adequate lighting for the enjoyment of outdoor use <br />areas, such as around patios and pools; and 3) to prevent lighting which is intrusive and which <br />imposes on the privacy and quiet enjoyment of neighboring properties.'; delete the reference to <br />"no light sources me directly visible from off the site (relating to lighting of pools and spas); add <br />that high intensity lighting is prohibited; and include the following section on general outdoor <br />lighting: "Outdoor lighting should use the minimum number and wattage lights which will safely <br />illuminate the area. Outdoor light sources shall be shielded so as not to be directly visible from <br />off site. No more than two lights shall be allowed in setback areas (as defined in Chapter 2 <br />(Zoning) of the Town of Los Altos Hills Municipal Code). Additional lighting may be permitted <br />where it is determined to be necessary to safely illuminate the area." <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Hubbard and passed <br />unanimously to waive further reading and introduce an ordinance amending Article 10-2.10 <br />(Outdoor Lighting) of the Site Development Code to add a purpose statement and clarifying <br />language. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Johnson and passed <br />by the following roll call vote to adopt the following policy on outdoor lighting: <br />Code Sections and Design Guidelines: <br />Article 10-2.10 of the Site Development Ordinance outlines criteria for outdoor lighting. <br />In particular, Section 10-2.1003 indicates that outdoor lighting should use "the minimum <br />wattage lights which will safely illuminate the area" and that outdoor light sources "shall <br />be shielded so as not to be directly visible from off-site." Page 30 of the Design <br />Guidelines suggests that exterior lights be carefully placed to prevent light from shining <br />onto neighboring houses and that light sources most not be visible from off-site. The <br />Zoning and Site Development Ordinances limit lighting within the setbacks to "driveway <br />light fixtures, limited to one fixture on each side of a driveway, for a maximum of two (2) <br />fixtures per lot," but additional fixtures may be approved if necessary for safety. <br />Intent <br />The purpose of Code and Design Guideline provisions regarding outdoor lighting is to <br />assure that the open and peaceful character of the Town is maintained, that adequate <br />lighting is provided for the enjoyment of outdoor use areas, and that lighting does not <br />intrude on the privacy of neighbors. The intent of this policy is to clarify more <br />specifically the types and numbers of lighting fixtures that the Town feels are generally <br />consistent with the Code provisions, but to allow flexibility for additional lighting when <br />it is necessary for safety purposes or where it is not visible from off the site. <br />September 30, 1997 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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