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City Council Minutes
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5/21/2015 4:50:31 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Policy: <br />1. <br />The number of lights on the exterior of a structure should be limited to providing <br />for one light per doorway, with the exception of two lights at the main entrance, at <br />double doors or garage doors, etc., and additional lights only where the Planning <br />Director or Planning Commission determines they are needed for safety. <br />1 <br />Pathway and driveway lighting should be restricted to low -height fixtures and <br />should be spaced the maximum distance apart which will still provide for safe <br />use. In order to avoid a "runway" appearance, it is recommended that lighting be <br />placed on only one side of the driveway or walkway, or alternate from one side to <br />the other. Recessed louvered lights are suggested for walkways and steps. <br />3. <br />Generally, lighting fixtures should be shielded downlights for which the bulb is <br />not visible from off site. Exceptions may be permitted in limited locations (entry, <br />garage, etc.) or where the fixtures would not be visible from off site. <br />4. <br />Downlighting from trees is acceptable if provided for safety or for outdoor use <br />areas, where minimal in number, and where the bulb is not visible from off site. <br />5. <br />Uplighting of trees is generally not allowed, unless it is clearly demonstrated that <br />the number of such lights are minimal and the glow of the uplighting would not <br />be visible from off site. <br />6. <br />Spotlights should be limited in number, and directed away from clear view of <br />neighbors. Shielding of spotlights with shrouds or louvers is suggested. <br />7. <br />High intensity discharge lighting, such as mercury vapor, high and low pressure <br />sodium, and metal halide lighting, is prohibited. <br />8. <br />Lighting in setbacks is limited to two driveway light fixtures only, for the purpose <br />of locating and identifying the site. No lights are allowed in side or rear yard <br />setback areas, except where determined to be necessary for safety. <br />9. <br />The Planning Commission and/or staff may allow lighting different than that <br />outlined above when the proposed outdoor lighting is determined to be necessary <br />to safely illuminate the area, or where the size of the property and/or extensive <br />screening will assure that lighting glow and fixtures we not visible from off site. <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Johnson and Councilmembers Dauber, Hubbard and Siegel <br />NOES: Mayor Casey <br />Casey thanked Council for making changes to the proposed policy which she believed made it <br />better. However, she still could not support it. She believed this policy was very difficult to <br />regulate and government should not be involved in this matter. <br />September 30, 1997 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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