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11.2 Proposed Ordinance amending Section 10-1.505(A) of the Zoning Ordinance to <br />limit backup and turnaround areas within required setbacks. (FIRST READING) <br />Casey stated that she did not think it was appropriate to change this ordinance without the <br />opportunity for public input. She had received several phone calls from concerned <br />residents. <br />Mr. John Knox-Seith, 27741 Via Cerro Gordo, questioned the driveway regulations as <br />related to this ordinance. <br />R.C. Hill, 13870 La Paloma Road, commented that to enjoy one's property might include <br />siting the house in such a way that the driveway would be in the setback. <br />Dot Schreiner, Planning Commissioner, stated that encroachments into setbacks was a very <br />important issue to her. Preserving the setbacks allowed for privacy and open space. <br />Emily Cheng, Planning Commissioner, questioned how many homes presently had <br />turnarounds in setbacks. <br />Hubbard referred to the number of large homes being built and stated that the protection of <br />setbacks was important. The setbacks were becoming recreational areas which was having <br />a negative impact on neighbors. Dauber concurred with Hubbard stating that this issue <br />could be addressed at the time of house design. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Hubbard and <br />passed by the following roll call vote to waive further reading and introduce the Ordinance <br />amending Section 10-1.505(A) of the Zoning Ordinance to limit backup and turnaround <br />areas within required setbacks. <br />AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Johnson and Coucilmembers Dauber, Hubbard and Siegel <br />NOES: Mayor Casey <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to agendize the second reading of this ordinance as a public hearing at <br />the October 15, 1997 City Council Meeting. <br />12. ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further new or old business to discuss, the City Council Meeting was <br />adjourned at 11:00 p.m. <br />(/Resppeeccttffully submitted, <br />"""`— <br />Patricia Dowd <br />City Clerk <br />The minutes of the September 30, 1997 Regular City Council Meeting were approved at <br />the November 5, 1997 City Council Meeting. <br />September 30, 1997 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />