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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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6. NEW BUSINESS <br />6.1 Request for proposal for General Plan Update <br />Council had before them the Planning Director's report on the General Plan Update. In it he <br />noted that $45,000 had been included in the 1997-98 Planning Department Budget to provide for <br />a consultant to begin work on the General Plan update, with a similar amount to be budgeted in <br />the 1998-99 fiscal year. The request for proposals would be sent to about six planning <br />consultants with final selection to be made in January. It was hoped that the Circulation Element <br />would be completed by the end of this fiscal year and completion of the entire General Plan <br />Update by June of 1999. Staff was asking for Council comment on the timeframe for this <br />project, the selection criteria and the level of committee review and public input. <br />Hubbard suggested that it might be a good idea to do a Town mailing on this issue and <br />furthermore it was possible a survey could be done in conjunction with the update of the General <br />Plan. Dauber concurred with Hubbard's comments. She also commented that there had been a <br />long learning curve when the design guidelines booklet was prepared. Council needed to know <br />what questions they wanted to ask. Casey believed this should be two separate efforts. A survey <br />could be done the first half of 1998 and the results of the survey could be given to the General <br />Plan consultant. She believed a consultant could be hired to formulate the survey. Casey <br />strongly supported doing a survey next year in order to provide the Planning Commission with <br />direction. She also suggested reactivating the communications subcommittee to work on a list of <br />survey questions. The City Manager questioned whether such survey questions would relate <br />more to the land use element and he reminded Council that one of their goals was to give the <br />circulation element the highest priority. Staff needed to be advised if this goal was being <br />changed. On this subject Siegel suggested that an outline of the circulation element issues to be <br />covered should get Council approval before the consultant went forward. <br />On the Housing Element issue which was scheduled for the November 19" Council Meeting, it <br />was noted that an article on this was included in the last newsletter. In addition Council agreed <br />that a boxed ad should be put in the next issue of the Town Crier highlighting the issues of the <br />Housing Element to be addressed on the 19" and furthermore the meeting on the 19' would be <br />informational with final approval to be agendized for a subsequent Council Meeting. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To authorize staff to release the request for proposals for the <br />General Plan Update and to continue discussion of the process and public input required to the <br />next Council meeting for discussion. <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND COUNCILMEMBERS ON <br />OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />7.1 Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee <br />7. 1.1 Request for authorization to send a letter to the County Interjurisdictional <br />Trails Committee <br />This item was continued. <br />STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />November 5, 1997 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />
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