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`r. <br />8.1.1 Emergency Operations Center <br />The City Manager reported that Town Hall would be closed from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, <br />November 7" for the staff to conduct a meeting on emergency operations procedures. <br />8.1.2 Los Altos Garbage Company <br />The City Manager reported that additional information should be forthcoming from Los Altos <br />Garbage Company on Thursday, November 6"'. <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.2.1 Private Road/Pathway Easement Issue <br />The City Attorney responded that this was a difficult issue and there really were no definite <br />answers. It was agreed that she would prepare a memo on this for Council. <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br />Council referred to the letter received from Assemblyman Ted Lempert concerning airport noise <br />from San Francisco International. It was agreed the Mayor would send a thank you note to <br />Assemblymember Lempert and a copy of his letter would be sent to Marjorie Evans for her <br />comment. <br />8.4 Public Works Manager <br />8.4.1 Emergency Access Roads <br />The Public Works Manager commented on the Fire Department's priority list for emergency <br />access roads which included Central and Sherlock. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />9.1 Request for a Town -wide Survey (Mayor Casey) <br />This item was discussed under Item 6.1 <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Lalla Carsten, 13761 La Paloma, stated that she was on the steering committee for the Los Altos <br />Hills Civic Association and adddressed the issue of the recent postcard mailed by the association <br />on the driveway issue. She did not agree with a letter to the editor of the Town Crier sent by four <br />of the five Councilmembers stating that the card was a disservice to the residents. As a result of <br />the mailing there was a large turnout at the October 15" Council Meeting and the Council <br />actually reversed an earlier decision on driveways. She believed the residents were interested in <br />the issues and she recommended that the communications subcommittee be activated and a Town <br />survey be mailed. Ms. Carsten also referred to a Town survey conducted by the civic association <br />from which they got 77 responses. These responses supported notifying residents of significant <br />changes to Town building ordinances and policies and also supported a Town -wide survey. <br />November 5, 1997 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />