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, -4" <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 32-88 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS <br /> HILLS DECLARING THAT THE BOUNDARIES ENCOMPASSING THE <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS SHALL BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE <br /> SANTA CLARA COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT <br /> RESOLVED, by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of <br /> Santa Clara, State of California, that <br /> WHEREAS, the County of Santa Clara and the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> have an extensive problem with rats, mosquitoes and other vectors; and <br /> WHEREAS, rats, mosquitoes and other vectors have the potential of <br /> transmitting malaria, encephalitis, plague and other vector-borne diseases; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the County General Fund can no longer provide a stable <br /> source of funding for operations to control rats, mosquitoes and other vectors; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the effective control of rats, mosquitoes and other vectors <br /> should be done on a county-wide basis in order to help protect the health and <br /> safety and to enhance the comfort of the citizens of the County and Town; and <br /> WHEREAS, there remains a continuing and important need for the <br /> control of rats, mosquitoes and other vectors in Santa Clara County and the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />