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specifically addressed the owner's enclosure of a carport into living space, the <br />addition of an aluminum shed to that structure and framing for a further addition <br />to the structure. This construction was all done in the setback and done without <br />permit. <br />Mr. Michael Sayar and his son Kevin explained to the Council the building that had <br />taken place on their property. They referred to on site meetings with Linda Niles <br />who was then Planning Director. The Sayars stated that during these meetings the <br />Planning Director concurred with their use of the carport stucture. They further <br />referred to a family emergency at the time which necessitated the revised use of the <br />carport. They referred to correspondence to Town Hall confirming these <br />conversations and did not feel responsible that the Town did not have these letters. <br />In response to inquiries from Council they Sayars confirmed that no inspections had <br />taken place by the Building Official and they did have three structures on their <br />property. <br />Mr. Brown, 401 S. Henry Street, San Jose, stated that he was a witness to the on site <br />conversations during which Linda Niles stated the garage could be an enclosed <br />structure. <br />Casey believed there were mitigating measures and the Sayars should be allowed to <br />apply for permits for work done on the property. She further questioned the <br />definition of secondary dwellings and believed the Council should be consistent in <br />application of this definition. Hubbard stated that this project never would have <br />been approved as a closed structure especially since there was already a secondary <br />dwelling on the property. Johnson thought there was a series of misunderstandings <br />which could be corrected. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND WITHDRAWN: Moved by Dauber, seconded by <br />Hubbard and withdrawn to direct City Attorney to file a Notice of Code Violation <br />with the County Recorder for Lands of Sayar at 25391 O'Keefe Lane. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue this issue to the February 7, 1996 Council <br />Meeting to allow Mr. Sayar the opportunity to present a written proposal to the <br />Town for correction of code violations. <br />Council discussed the situation and provided the following direction to the Sayars. <br />Siegel, Casey and Johnson recommended that the Sayars assure Council that the <br />structure under discussion was not being used as a secondary dwelling. Hubbard <br />stated that a carport would be acceptable. Dauber commented that of the two present <br />secondary units without permit the one at the front of the lot would be preferable <br />and would have less impact. <br />January 17, 1996 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />