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Subcommittee. The Development Process Subcommittee was determined to be <br />completed. <br />6.2 Response to the Grand Jury's Final Report: Review of the <br />Implementation of the New Brown Act by Local Government <br />Agencies <br />The City Attorney commented on the Grand Jury's report on the Brown Act and <br />what the cities in Santa Clara County are doing to comply with this act. Dauber <br />suggested modifying the City Council Agenda to include the general information at <br />the end and highlight issues such as public hearings. It was agreed that <br />Councilmember Johnson and the City Clerk would review the layout of the agenda <br />and the City Attorney would prepare a one page summary of the Town's <br />compliance procedures with the Brown Act. <br />6.3 Request for authorization to advertise the Town's Pavement <br />Management and Storm Drain Improvement Project FY 95-96, <br />Town Project 96-5 for competitive bids -- Reso #_ <br />The City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer conducted a slide presentation on the <br />pavement management project including problems, challenges, designs and <br />solutions. Both Magdalena and Moody were included in this project and in <br />response to a suggestion from Council, the City Manager agreed that the residents <br />on these streets would be notified by mail of this project. A notice was also going in <br />the Town Crier of the neighborhood meeting to discuss this project and it was <br />agreed that the slide presentation would also be given at that time. Casey asked if <br />Ravensbury could be included in this project but she was advised that this was not <br />possible at this time. Since Ravensbury was half in the County and half in the <br />Town, Casey suggested that the Mayor send the Board of Supervisors a letter asking <br />the County to approve the work to be done on Ravensbury. It was agreed that the <br />Mayor would send such a letter. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Dauber, seconded by Casey and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #60-96 ordering the performance of certain <br />work (Pavement Management and Storm Drain Improvement Project FY 95-96) <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Parcel Data Base <br />July 17, 1996 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />