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The City Manager reported that the Parcel Data Base had been installed. <br />kar <br />8.1.2 Robleda Road Project <br />The City Manager reported that the Robleda Road Project was going well and <br />should be completed in mid-August. <br />8.1.3 Jeanne Evilsizer -- 20 year celebration <br />The City Manager noted that Jeanne Evilsizer had been employed by the Town <br />for 20 years in August and a party was being planned to celebrate this <br />event. Johnson agreed to write the proclamation. <br />8.2 City Attorney <br />8.2.1 Request from the City of San Jose to join in the amicus <br />brief regarding Robert F. Coleman, et al. v. The Santa Clara <br />Open Space Authority <br />The City Attorney reported that this would result in no additional work on her <br />part nor additional costs to the Town. <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by <br />�w Dauber and passed by the following roll call vote to concur with the <br />request from the City of San Jose to join in the amicus brief regarding <br />Robert F. Goldman et al v. The Santa Clara Open Space Authority <br />AYES: Mayor Hubbard and Councilmembers Dauber and Johnson <br />NOES: Mayor Pro Tem Casey <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Siegel <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br />It was agreed that the City Manager would respond to the letter from Mr. <br />Melnikoff concerning the status of Summit Wood Road. <br />It was also agreed that the City Attorney would review the letter from Mr. <br />Barnett regarding Sun Country Cable to determine if his <br />question was covered by the franchise agreement or the <br />ordinance. A copy of the Town's letter to Sun Country would be <br />sent to Mr. Barnett. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />July 17, 1996 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />