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9.1 Joint Volunteer Awards Committee (Councilmember Johnson) <br />Council discussed various possibilities for appointment to this committee and it was <br />agreed these residents would be contacted to ascertain their interest. <br />9.2 Magdalena and EI Monte Parking Issue (Mayor Pro Tem Casey) <br />Casey inquired as to the status of the condemnadation process regarding the parking <br />issue at Magdalena and El Monte. The City Manager stated that he would be <br />approaching these property owners regading donating their land to the Town. <br />9.3 Technology Improvement Committee (Councilmember Johnson) <br />Johnson reported that the Technology Improvement Committee would be bringing <br />back to the Council an example of the Town Code. He further noted that one of <br />their next projects would be the evaluation of imaging systems for Town records. <br />9.4 City Manager's Report (Councilmember Dauber) <br />Dauber commended the City Manager on his monthly report and suggested that a <br />version of this report be made available to the public. It was agreed that the <br />` Communications Subcommittee would look into this suggestion. <br />llw <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Hill Reiser, 27640 Red Rock Road, referred to correspondence he had sent the Town <br />requesting the Council to consider initiating an ordinance dealing with the Town's <br />unpaved roads. He was not pleased that he had received no response to these <br />letters. Mr. Reiser also asked if the Page Mill Road Project was ever going to be <br />completed. <br />Dauber commented that she believed at some point residents along private roads <br />were going to have to organize and get road maintenance agreements. The Town <br />was not in a financial position to fix all of the roads in the Town. She also <br />apologized to Mr. Reiser for not getting a response to his letters. There seemed to <br />have been some confusion as to whether Council or staff would be writing to him. <br />Betsy Bertram, 11854 Page Mill Road, advised the Council that the attorneys had <br />reached agreement on the paving of Central Drive issue. She did believe, however, <br />that the Town needed to decide where Central Drive was actually placed and the <br />location of the easements. In other words had the surveyed plot plan been accepted? <br />The City Attorney stated that this was a private issue as Central Drive was a private <br />road. <br />July 17, 1996 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />