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No action was taken on this item. <br />9.2 Selection of Date for Volunteer Recognition Dinner (Mayor Hubbard) <br />Thursday, February 20, 1997 was selected as the date for the Volunteer Dinner and <br />the City Clerk was asked to send a notice to volunteers suggesting they save this <br />date. <br />9.3 Policy Decision on attendance by Councilmembers at Planning <br />Commission Meetings (Mayor Hubbard) <br />This item was continued to the next Council Meeting. <br />9.4 Policy Decision on soliciting applicant approval of conditions of <br />approval prior to approving a project (Mayor Hubbard) <br />This item was continued to the next Council Meeting. <br />9.5 Santa Clara County Cities Asscociation (Councilmember Johnson) <br />Johnson remineded Council that the holiday party of the Santa Clara County Cities <br />Association was scheduled for December 12th at the Hayes Conference Center in San <br />Jose. <br />9.6 Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission <br />It was noted that the Mayor would discuss the scheduling of this joint meeting with <br />staff during agenda discussions. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />Bill Jones, General Manager of Los Altos Garbage Company, introduced himself to <br />the Council. He noted that their continued focus was on a high level of customer <br />service. He further commented that they were working on the recycling of <br />construction materials; expanding current recycling to include mixed paper and <br />cardboard; simplifying the yardwaste center; and addressing the public/private road <br />issue. He was looking forward to working with the Council on these and other solid <br />waste issues. <br />Cal Lindell, 12155 Edgecliff Place, noted that he was a senior over 65 and believed <br />there should be a discount for seniors. He also recommended the contract for solid <br />waste services be sent out for competitive bids. <br />�W December 4, 1996 <br />