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11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Request for a Site Development Permit for a new residence, pool and <br />spa, Lands of Chao/Pang, 25701 Lomita Linda Court <br />Ann Pang, applicant, noted that they had worked with their neighbors on this <br />project. They had also spent quite a bit of time and money on this effort and hoped <br />that a resolution could be reached and they could begin building their home. <br />Gary Ahem, applicant's architect, presented a brief history of the project. In <br />September of 1996 they had gone to the Planning Commission and had been <br />continued for redesign. In October of 1996 the Planning Commission had approved <br />the resdesign but an appeal had been filed and they were now before Council. Mr. <br />Ahern addressed the siting of the house and noted that the proposed house was <br />smaller and shorter than the previous home on the lot. He also addressed the <br />landscaping issue and noted that the object was not to hide his client's home but to <br />obscure it with screening. The screening they had planned would break up the two <br />story elevations. Concerning the retaining wall, Mr. Ahern stated that any <br />rebuilding of this wall would take place before construction. <br />Keith Wiley, applicant's landscape architect, explained the landscaping they had <br />planned which they believed would screen the two story home successfully. In part <br />they planned tiered planters and foundation plantings with accent trees. <br />Martha Hunton, 25600 Fernhill, commented that she had lived in the neighborhood <br />since 1951 and this lot had a history of soil fallouts, driveway failing and earthquake <br />damage. She was not against the home under discussion but she strongly believed <br />precautions should be taken including deep soil testing as she feared they might be <br />moving the home into a more unstable area. <br />Brian and Peggy Carrie, 25655 Fernhill Drive, expressed their concerns about the <br />proposed project. They believed this house would have a major negative visual <br />impact on their home. They requested that the two story home on the west side of <br />the property be reduced to a single story and that the development be moved further <br />away from the west side of the property. <br />John and Judy Fowler, 25625 Fernhill Drive, concurred with the concerns expressed <br />by the Carries. They too did not agree with the development figures 'grandfathered' <br />on this property as a result of earthquake damage in 1989. Mr. and Mrs. Fowler also <br />thought this was an extremely prominent lot and the proposed development would <br />have a negative visual impact on their home. They expressed concerns with the <br />ability to screen the proposed house and commented that there were no controls <br />over landscaping. <br />1�w December 4, 1996 <br />