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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Casey and <br />passed unanimously to approve the request for a Site Development Permit <br />condition amendment to remove the requirement to dedicate additional right of <br />way, Lands of Belden, 12033 Green Hills Court <br />11.2 Request for approval of a Site Development Permit condition amendment <br />to remove the requirement to dedicate additional right of way, Lands of <br />Corrigan, 12797 Normandy Lane <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to approve the request for a Site Development Permit <br />condition amendment to remove the requirement to dedicate additional right of <br />way, Lands of Corrigan, 12797 Normandy Lane <br />11.3 Request for summary vacation for ten feet of right of way, Lands of <br />LeBeau, 12795 Normandy Lane <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Casey, seconded by Siegel and <br />passed unanimously to adopt Resolution #4-95 summarily vacating excess right of <br />way of a street. <br />11.4 Request for approval of a Site Development Permit to rebuild fire <br />damaged residence with a major addition and a variance to exceed the <br />�w allowable maximum floor area and maximum development area, I.ands <br />of Roley, 12200 Winton Way <br />Mr. Roley, applicant, addressed the Council on his appeal of the Planning <br />Commission's denial of his application. Mr. Raley stated that thev had lost their <br />house to fire in 1994 and were proposing to build a 5,200 square foot house. He <br />explained that the existing foundation would be used as much as possible; there <br />would be no intrusion into setback lines; grading would be kept to a minimum; and <br />the new structure would be unobtrusive and would fit nicely into the <br />neighborhood. Mr. Roley did not agree with the allowed development figures <br />arrived at for his lot. He believed that since Winton Way served six properties at <br />most only one sixth of the deduction for the driveway should be taken from the <br />calculations for the net area of his lot and slope. He stated that he did not agree with <br />the sixty foot right of way deductions being imposed for Winton Way, a private <br />road. Mr. Roley stated that he did not agree with the Town's recommenation for a <br />4,000 square foot house inclusive of the garage. He considered this an unfair option <br />and one which prevented them from bringing their property up to the standards of <br />the other lots in the subdivision. According to his calculations they had the largest <br />lot in the subdivision but the smallest house. Mr. Roley stressed the uniqueness of <br />their lot and their efforts to comply with all of the Town's requirements- He also <br />addressed their efforts to lower the house to reduce the visual impact on the <br />neighbors. <br />January -1, 1995 <br />