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Last modified
4/20/2016 12:14:23 PM
Creation date
5/27/2015 9:06:43 AM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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William Bailey, 23670 Camino Hermoso Road, noted that both the staff and the <br />Planning Commission had recommended denial of this application. He further <br />commented that if the proposed house had been in place when they first saw their <br />lot, they would not have purchased their property. It had a definite negative visual <br />impact on their property. <br />Ginny Collins, Fox & Carskadon, stated that loss of view had a definite negative <br />financial impact on a piece of property. She further noted that a year ago this house <br />was not visible from the Bailey's property. <br />Dot Schreiner, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that the Roley's lot <br />was not unique. There were many lots in Town which involved more than one <br />road right of way. She also believed that allowing the Roley's an exemption to the <br />Town's regulations on garages would be precedent setting. There were many <br />instances where residents would also like such an exemption. <br />Barrett Bruch, 12186 Winton Way, noted that they were next door neighbors to the <br />Roleys. He had comments to make on this application both as a neighbor and also <br />as a member of the subdivision's architectural committee. As a member of the <br />committee, he noted that the proposed house's architectural design was in <br />accordance with the regulations. However, the committee had one proviso <br />concerning the fire hazard of the pine trees. As a neighbor, Mr. Bruch raised several <br />` issues including the following: proposed development and floor area (their house <br />was 4,100 square feet); restricted view (presently they could see over the Roley's <br />house); a sheer white stucco was was directly in their view; and the fire hazard of <br />the trees. <br />Mrs. Roley, applicant, stated they had tried to work with their neighbors. They did <br />not want to negatively impact their neighbors' views and had redesigned their <br />home to achieve this goal. Concerning the pine trees, Mrs. Roley noted that many <br />neighbors did not want them cut down. As a result they had pruned the trees and <br />removed the debris. Mrs. Raley asked for compassion. They had been out of their <br />fire ruined home for months and she wanted to go home. <br />Gary Ahern, applicant's architect, addressed the site constraints of the lot, one of <br />which was the location of the septic system. <br />Jean Struthers, 13690 Robleda, referred to the Liddicoat fires in 1985. Those residents <br />had been allowed to rebuild at 107 over what had been destroyed -- not thousands <br />of square feet over. <br />Hubbard stated that the applicants were aware of the right of way restrictions when <br />they purchased the lot. Although he realized it was a difficult time for the Roleys, <br />he did not believe it was fair to change the Town's regulations for them. Hubbard <br />January 4, 1995 <br />
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