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�w William Johnson, 13733 La Paloma, stated that he was a firm believer in farmers' <br />markets and had gone to the one in Palo Alto for years. However, he just did not <br />believe it would work in the Town as he thought there were just too many good <br />options and there would not be enough customers. One suggestion if the Town did <br />pursue this however might be to hold such a market mid -week. <br />Council discussed the option of a farmers' market including the traffic issue, the <br />location issue, who would sponsor and the accessibility of so many nearby markets. <br />Dauber further commented that one fundraising suggestion might be funds for the <br />Town Float. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To continue this item to the March 1, 1995 City Council <br />Meeting and to request any and all interested parties to submit input to the Council <br />prior to that meeting. <br />2.4 Presentation by Pacific Gas & Electric -- John Leach and Steve Machado <br />John Leach reported on the January storms and their impact on their utility. He <br />explained that with the storms coming one right after another the result had been a <br />roller coaster effect -- one day as many as 529,000 customers without service, the next <br />day 20,000 with this being repeated time and again. They had had 650 poles down, <br />600 transformers down, over 500,000 calls received in one day and huge spans of <br />wire down. Their priority system for restoring power was as follows: health and <br />safety, hospitals, health care facilities, highways, high voltage lines, supermarkets <br />and large blocks of customers. Isolated customers were last. Mr. Leach did <br />acknowledge that there had been serious public relations problems and much better <br />use was needed of their communications systems. <br />Steve Machado stated that the January storms had been a disaster from a public <br />relations point of view but it had been an educational experience. He had met with <br />Los Altos officials and looked forward to meeting with Town officials to discuss <br />better solutions to issues raised during the January storms. <br />Shannon Paboojian, 14395 Purissima, commented that there had been a brown out <br />during the storms and he inquired if there were any safety issues involved or <br />negative impacts on residents. <br />Steve Machado responded to Mr. Paboojian's question by saying that applicances <br />could be damaged as a result of a brown out. It was not a safety hazard but a <br />mechancial hazard. It was agreed that this would be a good article (how to proceed <br />in a brown out) for the next PG&E newsletter. <br />February 1, 1995 <br />