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7.1 Community Relations Committee <br />Roger Burnell, Chairman of the Community Relations Committee, presented an <br />overview of the plans for the Spring Greeting Event planned for May 21, 1995 <br />from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Town Hall. <br />7.1.1 Approval of Budget for Spring Greeting Party <br />MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Siegel, seconded by Johnson and <br />passed unanimously to approve a $750 budget for the 1995 Spring Greeting. <br />7.1.2 Request for Photo Exhibit at Spring Greeting Party <br />It was agreed Roger Burnell, Chairman of the Community Relations Committee, <br />would contact the newly appointed Exhibit Curator to discuss the photo display <br />for the party. <br />7.2 Safety Committee <br />7.2.1 Approval of Town's Emergency Handbook Abbreviated Guide <br />Council discussed the draft emergency handbook as presented by the Safety <br />Committee and thanked the committee's chairman, Berin Fank, for all of their <br />work on this project. It was an excellent document and needed only slight <br />modifications to achieve the goal of being an easily accessible reference tool. <br />The following suggestions were made: include a list of Ham operators, <br />consolidate the phone lists, include other useful numbers such as the numbers <br />for Taaffe Construction and the Cities of Los Altos and Palo Alto. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To approve the emergency handbook in concept and to <br />approve the policy statement that the City Clerk in January shall update the <br />emergency handbook. <br />7.3 Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee <br />7.3.1 Approval of pathway easement donation nominations <br />Les Earnest, Chairman of the Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee, referred to <br />his recommendations on pathway easement donations. He noted that the <br />paths at 12109 Foothill, 12113 Foothill and 27844 Black Mountain were in use <br />but there were no easements. <br />Council discussed these paths and the draft letter to go to the owners requesting <br />donation. <br />April 19, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />