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[ Johnson noted that he had distributed notes on a possible newsletter article on this <br />fit, proposed project. These notes were for information only at this time and were still <br />in the draft stage. <br />9.4 Technology Improvement Committee (Councilmember Johnson) <br />Johnson commented on the several projects this committee was involved with and <br />noted that he was quite impressed with their work. <br />10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br />11. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />11.1 Request for a tentative map and mitigated negative declaration for a <br />proposed three lot subdivision, Lands of Lindy, 27591 Purissima Road <br />Shannon Paboojian, applicant, commented on the original street name for this <br />subdivision which was Samuel Lane. It was changed to Brubaker for historical <br />reasons but he understood the concerns about its similarity to Baker Lane which was <br />nearby and would contact the Fire Department and abide by their recommendation. <br />Concerning lot #3 he explained why the house was moved to the other side of the <br />creek, in part because of neighbors' concerns and conformance with the Town's <br />policy on leach fields. Mr. Paboojian noted that this project was in conformance <br />with the Town's Codes and had been reviewed favorably by the appropriate outside <br />agencies such as the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the Department of Fish <br />and Game. Mr. Paboojian further noted that he concurred with the recommended <br />mitigated negative declaration and conditions of approval. <br />David Pilling, 12849 Canario Way, referred to his letter to the Town dated 6/15/95 in <br />which he addressed his concerns about the Lindy project. Mr. Pilling was especially <br />concerned about drainage and did not agree with the reports on this subject on file, <br />nor did he believe the tests done were adequate. His property was experiencing <br />drainage problems and he believed this was caused by the development in the <br />neighborhood and was only going to get worse. Mr. Pilling stated his specific <br />concern about the proposed house on Lot #1 where he believed the most serious <br />soil conditions existed. Mr. Pilling also recommended support of a sewer system for <br />this area of Town in view of the increased development. <br />The Assistant Engineer stated that the concerns raised in Mr. Pilling's letter had <br />been addressed in part by trenching and conducting perc tests. <br />Simon Makdessi, Terrasearch, Inc., addressed Mr. Pilling's concerns by explaining <br />the tests that were done on the Lindy property. He noted that the water was <br />localized to the near surface and there was no evidence of underground springs. <br />June 21, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />IN <br />