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4W <br />a. Tennis or sports courts <br />b. Driveways <br />C. Required parking areas <br />d. Turnarounds <br />e. Above -ground decks <br />2. In other development areas, credit for the use of semi -permeable material(s) <br />(grasscrete, etc.) of up to 100% may be granted depending on the permeability <br />and appearance of the surface." <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />6.1 Proposal for design services to repair the Edgerton Road Landslide <br />Dauber commented that it appeared there was only one solution to this situation <br />and she questioned the wisdom of approving a $20,000 contract for a $60,000 project. <br />Why not just proceed with the project? <br />The City Manager stated that other alternatives were possible based on the <br />information received from this geotechnical investigation. <br />(� MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Hubbard, seconded by Johnson <br />and passed unanimously by all members present to approve a contract with <br />William Cotton and Associates (as outlined in their letter to the City Manager dated <br />5/12/95) for the geotechnical investigation of the Edgerton Landslide <br />7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB -COMMITTEES, AND <br />COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br />7.1 Pathways Recreation and Parks Committee <br />7.1.1 Request for a revision to the pathway slope standard <br />Council had before them a request from the Pathway Committee for a proposed <br />slope standard as follows: "Slopes on new pathways shall not exceed 10% except <br />where necessary and practical as determined by the City Engineer." <br />Mary Stutz, 25310 Elena Road, addressed the Council both as a resident and as a <br />former member of the Pathways Committee (for about ten years). She did not <br />agree with the adoption of a slope standard. The Town had an outstanding <br />pathway system and they had never had a slope standard. She saw no reason to <br />June 21, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />