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L <br />adopt one now. Mrs. Stutz also referred to the Town's Master Pathway Plan which <br />was adopted in 1982. She further commented on the repair and washout of <br />paths noting that Type IIB paths were much more affected than native paths. <br />Mrs. Stutz believed this was due to the Town no longer using neary fines for <br />the paths. <br />Les Earnest, Chairman of the Pathways Committee, explained the committee's slope <br />standard recommendation as a method to reduce erosion. He also commented <br />on the useability of paths. On the subject of the Master Path Plan, he noted that <br />some of the paths on this plan were impractical and needed to be deleted. They <br />planned to review the Master Path Plan. <br />Siegel believed that the Town had to start asking some more precise questions <br />concerning paths such as "Is a path possible?" and this standard was a step in <br />that direction. Hubbard did not agree with the proposed slope standard. He <br />thought the Town had a great path system and it was possible an applicant <br />could use this standard as a reason not to give a path. On the subject of erosion, <br />he noted that water bars could be used. <br />Carol Gottlieb, 24290 Summerhill, believed that the concept of a slope standard was <br />`, good but there were many ramifications which needed to be addressed. She <br />thought it possible that a 10% slope standard could be used in a large <br />subdivision. <br />Bob Stutz, 25310 Elena, noted that the new paths were not in as good condition as <br />the old paths and perhaps the whole concept of surfacing should be addressed. <br />He referred to the State Recreational Trails Committee as a group having some <br />ideas on this issue the Town might want to consider. Mr. Stutz did not agree <br />with a 10% slope standard. <br />Council commented that more review of this issue was needed and no action was <br />taken on this matter at this time. <br />7.2 Composting Subcommittee: final report and completion of subcommittee <br />Council accepted the final report of the composting subcommittee and closed this <br />subcommittee. <br />7.3 Development Area Subcommittee: completion of subcommittee <br />June 21, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />