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Council accepted the final report of the development area subcommittee and closed <br />this subcommittee. <br />7.4 Space Study Subcommittee: recommendation regarding expansion <br />approach <br />Council referred to the space study consultant's report regarding options and <br />believed the issue was becoming far too complicated and theoretical. They referred <br />to the City Manager's recommendations made during budget discussions for <br />minimal but effective interior remodeling of Town Hall as a much more feasible <br />approach. Dauber stated that while such modifications might make the situation <br />better, she believed staff needed more room and a remodel of Town Hall should be <br />considered. <br />PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To end the contract with the space study consultants, <br />Stoecker and Northway and to proceed with the City Manager's recommendations <br />for interior Town Hall remodel at this time. <br />8. STAFF REPORTS <br />8.1 City Manager <br />8.1.1 Discing <br />The City Manager reported that Karen Jost, President of the Los Altos County <br />Fire Protection District, had called him regarding weed abatement in the <br />Town. Apparently the Sheriff's Department had stopped the workers <br />doing the discing because they were not working within the approved <br />construction hours. The City Manager noted that it was necessary to get <br />this work done as quickly as possible and he would be giving his <br />authorization to proceed with this work on an urgency basis. <br />8.1.2 Quarry Project <br />The City Manager noted that he had met with Mr. Vidovich to discuss the <br />status of the quarry project. Since that discussion, staff has still not <br />received all of the materials which had been requested to move forward <br />on this project. Siegel questioned the need to get all of this information at <br />this time rather than during the public hearings. The City Manager and <br />City Attorney reiterated the importance of getting this information to <br />Council sooner rather than later for their review. <br />June 21, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />