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8.2 City Attorney <br />8.2.1 Spangenberg <br />The City Attorney reported that a hearing was scheduled the following week at <br />the Court of Appeals on the Spangenberg case. She would advise Council <br />of the Court's decision. <br />8.3 City Clerk <br />8.3.1 Report on Council Correspondence <br />8.3.1a Request from the Domestic Violence Council concerning a <br />two-day conference in October entitled Ending Family <br />Violence: A Community Challenge <br />It was agreed that Dauber would send a letter to the Domestic Violence Council <br />stating that the Town was unable to participate in this conference. <br />9. COUNCIL -INITIATED ITEMS <br />�Ar 9.1 Request from Streamlining Subcommittee for a joint meeting with <br />the City Council and the Planning Commission on Thursday, <br />July 13 at 5:00 p.m. (Councilmember Casey) <br />Siegel and Hubbard both commented that they were unavailable on July 13th for <br />this meeting. <br />No action was taken on this item at this time. <br />9.2 SB 647 -- Fee Adjustments -- (Councilmember Dauber) <br />Dauber referred to SB 647 which would prohibit a city from imposing a new fee, <br />charge, or increasing an existing one by administrative authority, action or <br />regulation. The City Attorney noted that the Town did review its fee schedule <br />which was what this bill was recommending as the appropriate course of action. <br />No action was taken on this item. <br />9.3 Bullis School - Multi -Purpose Auditorium Project (Councilmember <br />Johnson) <br />June 21, 1995 <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />